View Full Version : Incapacity benefit.

28-05-08, 19:15
Just wondered what the situation is as regards claining Incapacity Benefit for Agorophobia and Anxiety when it becomes serious enough to render one unable to work.
For some time now I have been living off my savings due to Agorophobia until my CBT therapist suggested I talk to my doctor as regards this.
Does anyone here have any ideas. I begrudge asking the state for handouts but after working for nearly 40 years maybe I should!

28-05-08, 19:34
Best thing I can suggest is to contact your local Job Centre Plus and or DWP/CAB to find out what benefits you are entitled to. Incapacity depends on a number of things, but if you have worked and paid NI and Tax, it is a benefit you ARE entitled to. You might also be entitled to other benefits depending on your circumstances.
The following website will give you more information

28-05-08, 19:44
you should definatly speak to your doctor (s)he's the one who should make the decision about whether or not you are capable of working with your illness. if they think you are they will give you a sick note which you then send to the benefits people.
you should feel bad about claiming benefits when you genuinley need them, that's what they there for.

28-05-08, 20:47
If you are not able to work at present then this is exactly what Incapacity benefit is designed for.

Do go ahead and apply you have nothing to lose.

Piglet :flowers:

28-05-08, 20:53
Yes I agree, basically your doctor has to declare you unfit for work on a medical certificate which you then submit to the department for work and pensions, It would be a good idea to get in quick as the rules are shortly changing.
Also if you have to pay rent or council tax you should also make a claim for housing benefit unless you have savings of over £6000, If you have a partner her income will also be taken into account.
This is also a good website -

Best wishes
( Retired benefit Technician)

28-05-08, 23:38
Many thanks for the information.

I was totally unaware of any of this. I will see what I can do although I still feel guilty, I guess it's also the fact I feel a bit defeated. But thank you so much.


29-05-08, 00:05
Don't forget the rules change later this year and they are going to get very hard on incapacity benefit and get people back to work.

29-05-08, 19:13
If your GP has given you a sick note then you can actually fill in the form over the telephone and they send it to you just to sign. You can claim Incapacity Benefit based on contributions paid (which sounds like you can).
Go and see your GP as soon as possible - this is obviously adding to your stress and anxiety he will be able to best advise
be kind to yourself

29-05-08, 19:32
See this post I did today as well..
