View Full Version : Lack of motivation - any tips???

28-05-08, 19:20
Hi everyone

Really struggling again at the moment with my constant anxiety and panic attacks, so much so that I just want to lie on the couch and feel totally sorry for myself.

I have no motivation to do anything at the moment. I have loads of things I should be doing around the house, with the kids etc, but just cannot be bothered.

My body is aching from all the tension I carry especially in my neck, shoulders and back and I know I am making it worse by sitting here dwelling on it.

Anyone got any motivational tips on how to get myself back on track. I just feel so overwhelmed with everything.


28-05-08, 19:30
Hi there,
Sounds like you're having a really bad time at the moment. I know what it's like to feel de-motivated and to not want to do anything. What I try to do is write out a small list of manageable things each day that I feel I can do. Even if I only do one of them, I feel I have at least achieved something rather than nothing. It makes me feel a bit better but it's not always easy. For example today I wrote down " clean bathroom, put washing machine on and go on NMP". I didn't want to clean the bathroom. I kept thinking I don't want to do this and why am I bothering etc etc but I pushed myself to do it. It might not be perfect but I saw it through. I also did the other two things. Not much I know but I find it helps to achieve little goals.

Are you on any medication and do you see your GP? Don't know all your circumstances but it might be worth seeing him/her. Hoping you have a better day tomorrow. Take Care.

29-05-08, 23:08

I do a similar thing, I write a small list of things to do but on the list I include nice things like watching tv, reading magazines etc. It would probably be good to put something like a small walk even if just to the post box on there so that you make contact with the world. The other thing I would suggest is give in but give yourself a time limit. Say to yourself I am going sit in front of the TV for 3 days and do nothing, of course that is not easy with kids but perhaps when they are at school. Give your body and mind sometime to rest. You will soon get bored and probably feel more rested after. There was a point when I could only lie in front of the TV for a few days but i think that is what i needed to do to recuperate.

29-05-08, 23:09
p.s also reward yourself for the things you achieve, and that might include allowing yourself to rest.