View Full Version : any happy citalopram users out there!!

28-05-08, 20:48
hi, i was presribed citalopram a couple of years ago and was over the moon with the results. unfortunetly after a few months after starting them i was getting random weeks of really bad anx. after keeping a diary it became very clear that my hormone cycle was causing the anx! i went back to the doc who diagnosed me with pmdd and told me to take my normal 20mg up until 2/3 days before my period was due then to increase to 30mg until 2/3 days after it! this worked brilliantly and as you do i got cocky after a few months and started to wean myself off them by dropping to 10mg a day! all was fine until my period then it all went to pot, i was having 2-3 panic attacks a day therefore going back to the fear of going out! even had to get my friend to take my 4 year old to school cos i couldn't face it! my doc gave me diazepam and told me off and to go back to the 20mg and 30mg. however i've been a bit naughty and have been taking 30 mg a day for 4 weeks! i'm totally calm now even went out to bingo with the girls which i haven't done for ages however i feel a little like life is happening around me and not including me - does this make any sense to anyone. i'm also very tired by early afternoon!
do you think that having that extra 10mg everyday is maybe a bit too much?

omg i have gone on alot about not alot! sorry! :whistles:

28-05-08, 20:54
I was taking citalopram 10mg which was sort of o.k but then whaen my GP increased it to 20mg it didn't agree with me at all & i'm now on prozac.. I did feel like life was going on around me and tired on citalopram.. :ohmy: Juanna

28-05-08, 22:22
Hi I started on 10mg for 10 days, then 20mg for 8 weeks and have been on 30mg for the past 2 weeks. They are starting to work for me and I feel happy and fine. I think because you have gone through such a hard time with the anxiety that when the meds start to work you have to learn how to "Be" again! Just getting back to how you were before the meds rewired your brain and increased seretonin. Don't worry about feeling out of sorts. It will all come together soon. Your only on 30mg for 4 weeks. xx

Lauren C
29-05-08, 00:02
Hi, I have been on citalopram for just over six months now, started off on 20mg dose per day, with zopiclone to help with sleep. Have just recently been put up to 40mg per day and with nortryptaline for anti anx..although i stopped taking that as it didn't agree with me at all. I have to say that i do feel 'better' on the higher dose of citalopram, but am keen to not need it at all..that would be fabulous

29-05-08, 15:49
Hiya, I started on 20mg for about a month and didn't really feel much better. My doc increased it to 40mg about 3 weeks ago and I can really notice the difference ... I feel much more like my old-self :) Yes, a bit sleepy at times but I'm on Lorazepam also at the moment. Will be weaning off that in a couple of weeks :wacko:

29-05-08, 21:40
I was wondering if anyone has had the same experience as me. I had started on 20 mg Citalopram only to be glued to the loo about one hour later and consumed in a massive anxiety attack with hot and cold flushes and about 2 hours after poping the pill. I cut the dose to 10 mgs and for anoher week or so I experienced some very strange sensations including chest pains and feeling high and sudden clenching anxiety in my chest things calmed down and I stayed on this dose for around 4 weeks. As the side effects reduced it was clear I still had not experienced any benefits from taking the drug alhough full blown panic attacks semed to diminish. At the begining of this week I upped the dose to 20 mgs and experienced considerably hightend levels of anxiety in between periods of relaxed calm. Today was a bad day with intense very brief chest pains and a sensation like an electrical charge radiating from my chest with hot and cold sensations - thoroughly unpleasant and scary! I dont know if I should run back to the doctor, persevere or chuck the bloody awful stuff. I would like to think things might improve.


29-05-08, 22:33
Hi all,

I have come off citalopram 3 months ago after taking it for a happy two years...I was anxiety free completely...life eas great..until I kept thinking that I better come off them to see if I Could do it without..big mistake! 3 months off and Im feeling panic all the time especially a night. I was on 10mg aday but it really kept me steady..to be honest, im starting to think why did I come off them, to me, ctalopram completely changed my life for the better and made me happy!!! i think I will have teo resign myself to the fact I might be on them for the rest of!! the bad side effects went after two weeks and the light came through. does citlopram become less effective if taken long term (as in all of your life) ?? i hope not:huh:

milly jones
30-05-08, 17:19
hi im on 30mg of citalopram and im not yet sure if im happy.

i was originally on lofepramine and it was great for depression until my anxiety increased.

now the citalopram appears to be helping with the anxiety but the depressive illness has returned again.

the hospital may increase the dosage, but the present dose is making me very sleepy.

i guess u just have to keep trying to get some sort of balance in your life

milly x

30-05-08, 20:50
I am on 60mg of citalopram and 30 mg of buspirone, it works for me