View Full Version : Grrr, health anx again, please help.

29-05-08, 00:47
Heyyy all,

I'm freaking out here. Health anxiety hasn't bothered my for a while, but it's back and I'm finding it hard to cope with. Like, when I swallow or drink, the side of my right lung hurts, but I think it's something to do with my sternum, or whatever you call it, the tube food goes down lol. And yea, anyways, it just hurts alot and I'm trying to tell myself that I'll be ok, but I'm failing.

I'm tempted to google. I'm tempted to cry. There's a little voice in the back of head saying that's it's serious, it's severe, I'm worried my throat will close up, it feels inflammed but I cannot stress how worried I am. I have been getting chest pains for a few days, and I usually get them when I am stressed, and I thought it was stress that was causing these pains, like due to the exams at the moment, etc, but it has gotten progressively worse and ommggg gawwdd, I am so scared.

So, yea I'm thinking irrationally I'm aware of that, but I need help and I hope that someone around here will be able to provide me with advice and that I will be ok.

Sorry guys, I just can't cope with this now. And I'm getting dizzy worrying :(

Lots of love and hugs,

Wolfie xxxx

29-05-08, 01:18
Wolfie x

Remeber all the techniques you have used in the past!:)

You have identified yourself that you WILL be feeling more stressed as exams are here - realise that and pat yourself on the back for realising what may be causing you to be feeling more health anxiety than you have been x My biggest help is distraction and keeping busy - before you know it the day will have gone by without you pondering on every feeling and thought :hugs:

Deep breaths mate.


29-05-08, 01:59
Hello Wolfie ,

Its your anxiety rattling you . If I understand your statement correctly , if you consume food your fine , but you have difficulty swallowing liquids . That is illogical . Food takes more effort to swallow , and you can be assured your throat will not close up .
Have you been swallowing alot ? I will not be surprised if you say yes . Chest muscles can get so tight due to improper breathing during anxiety that they can spasm and hurt ; but is harmless .
As Denise stipulated , Distraction is key / the solution . You will be fine , I know Anxiety is a sneaky , annoying culprit . There is nothing sinister for you to concern yourself with in regards to those symptoms .

Spread your arms out and above your head and stretch your chest muscles and help release some of that tightness , then go out for a walk and fresh air or find something to , paraphrase , distract yourself .

Regards ,