View Full Version : Anxiety watching TV

29-05-08, 00:50
Soemtimes when I watch certain shows on the TV like the news and certain movies I get anxiety and I think really weird about the program I'm watching. It almost creeps me out. Does anyone else ever get this?

29-05-08, 09:02
Robby, I think what you are experiencing is perfectly natural.

All sorts of things can act as a subconscious trigger that affect our emotions. For those of us with Anxiety this can have exaggerated effects of course.

On a personal note I haven't watched any tv news or advertisements for years now and feel better for it. Ads are a complete waste of time and as for the glib duplicitous iniquity of television news, well I could write an essay on it's negative cultural and social effects. Better, perhaps, if I sum it up thus: 'It's all b*ll*cks mate'.

My advice, for what it's worth, is try to stick with positive input and feed the brain with intelligent progressive thought.

29-05-08, 14:42
Hi Robby,

Same here. I never watch the news or even read newspapers. It just makes my anxiety go sky high. Over here in America, on the commercials for medications they tell you all the side effects that can happen to you while trying to promote the med. Honestly, I don't know how anyone goes on them! I read alot and record my tv programs so I can breeze right through the commercials. I also choose my movies very carefully. I find this helps my anxiety. Also, no way will you ever find me viewing a horror movie.

Laura xx

29-05-08, 15:41
Thank you very much Gary and Belle both your comments are very helpful. I thought i was weird for thinking that way but what you both say makes perfect sense most of the shows on TV are crap and are very negative. I'm going to stick with educational programing. If anyone else reading this has any thoughts or has had this same problem please comment, every little bit helps.

Thank you!

29-05-08, 16:53
It totally happens to me as well.

29-05-08, 17:26
Im the same...I try not to watch the news now at all...and sometimes avoid newspapers...I thoughtlessly read my husbands horoscope the other day and because it warned of 'surprises...not all good'...it sent me off on a major bout of anxiety wondering what horror was about to befall us.....nothing has happened so far (touch wood).

Im begining to think avoidance is the technique to use here for once lol!

Coni XX

29-05-08, 19:48
I cant watch any films with anything that could really happen in it, my anxiety goes throught he roof, I'm fine with aliens or monsters as I know they're not real. I also have to be careful with what I read before going to bed as I've read true crime in the past and had some awful thoughts and nightmares.


30-05-08, 16:52
I remember as a child of 10 shutting my eyes in the street to avoid seeing the headlines on newspapers being sold at the street corner. Even then I got feelings of impending doom from hearing the news. Growing up through the cold war and the Cuban Missile crisis didn't help. I was 14 when we teetered on the brink of World War Three and distinctly recall one of our teachers saying he would see us on Monday "If we are all still here!" I blame him for a lot of my anxiety!
Lately I have developed a habit of readng the lists of people who have died in the local paper and if they are under 80 wondering what they died of and what were the symptoms. I wish I could get rid of my morbid streak.

04-06-08, 06:49
Thank you very much to everyone for commenting.

04-06-08, 07:25
Yeah I do that.

Whether it's something health-related, or something from a horror movie.
I tend to do it alot more when I'm alone. =o/
Emz xx