View Full Version : Hello - my message to you all.

29-05-08, 00:52
My first time posting here.

My family have something of a history with the anxiety attack, my Dad and my aunt were recently telling me of their ordeals.

My story begins around April 12th of this 2008. I was thoroughly intoxicated and hit my head on a door, I'm 19 years old . . . I'm not thinking much of it . . . The next week was horrible for me though and so I began to assume the worst. I was feeling weak, dizziness, I was disoriented and I was scared - oh yeah.

So I went to the doctor who believed someone had slipped me a pill . . . nah, I was with close friends, although we did smoke some weed . . . it was stupid but we were drunk and students. So I make another appointment in a few days as things are not improving, then another appointment, and another, then a trip to A+E, then another, and another, and another . . . I ended up visiting my GP 15 times and the hospital around 5 . . . I wanted answers! I was feeling weird! Head rushes, disorientation, pressure, hot flashes on my head, sore neck, difficulty sleeping, headaches . . . I was a wreck and it was emotionally crippling me.

I made another trip, I believe it was my 5th visit to A+E - a doctor, seemingly a specialist believed it would be best to put my conscious at rest and be fiscally savvy to give me a CAT scan to detect any broken bones or bleeding or whatever . . . so I got my head scanned and I braced myself for bad news, prayed for good news and the Lord provided good news. I checked out fine.

I was over joyed, full of enthusiasm - from now on everything was looking up and full recovery was close, so close.

Unfortunately . . . I now feel my heart going, headrushes that have me believe I'm gonna pop, eye and ear troubles, headaches still about, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing at times . . . it comes and goes . . . but when it comes, boy does it arrive . . . this is the worst thing.

Anxiety and panic attacks . . . People, when I got that good news that day from the doctor, I felt good, I still had some stress and symptoms playing on me, even as I walked from the hospital to the bus stop and home . . . but I was smiling.

You know, these symptoms, they have us caught in their web and we are fighting them but we all know what happens to the fly struggling in the web.

We can tackle this problem with anti depressant drugs, constant check ups etc . . . but these offer us momentary satisfaction. We need to stop struggling in the web of anxiety and just leave it, you know? Just jump the **** outta this anxious prison.

I'm not saying it's easy, I'm new to all this . . . about 7 weeks in, approaching 2 months, sure . . . maybe I had or have post concussion syndrome as some doctors say but it's anxiety that's not only hindering my lifestyle but my friends and family . . . my ability to associate with these people and partake in the joys of thier company has been stolen, by me. Me . . . You.

I say we find our day. The day when we are feeling a little more stable, the day we feel we got the upper hand and we look into the mirror and truely see our reflections . . . and I propose we stare with a fierce intensity into our beings and we let ourselves know that we are through suffering, that we can, no, that we will beat this and that we will take charge of our lives and not surrender to our ill functioning sensory systems . . . we will own them and in doing so, we will rule ourselves again.

People . . . I hope I have inspired you with this or at least put a smile on some faces.

Good luck and God bless.

29-05-08, 01:11

Words of wisdom!

Your attitude to what is happening is totally spot on - fly in the web - true!

Denise x

29-05-08, 08:58
Wow William that was some introduction and such wise words too. As Denise says your description of 'fly in the web' is so very very true.

Welcome to NMP.


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
29-05-08, 09:16
Wow, what a great post for someone so Young!

These Day's (no offence) teenagers post in Mobile Phone talk! LOL

I bloody hate MSN and Mobile Phones, my step Children's worst subject is English, I wonder why? LOL

Sorry, gone on a bit of a tangent!

Good luck William.


29-05-08, 09:48
Hi and welcome :)


Pink Panic
29-05-08, 10:12
Wow ...... what i a great post for someone so young, i totally agree.

Welcome :hugs: William.

You last paragraph really got to me it was just so well written ... thank you.

Take good care

29-05-08, 12:40

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

29-05-08, 13:41
Hi William,

Welcome to the site. I really enjoyed your intro.



29-05-08, 15:48
Thank you for the reponses so far, most appreciated . . . wasn't sure if anyone would respond but it's morale boosting that I caught a few eyes with my message.

Seems like a really good community here and I look forward to getting to know you a bit better.

I was watching a television host who was reflecting on his past and he recalls the best remedy when in trouble was engaging in conversation with others who have similar experiences, doesn't cost a penny.

So I hope we all talk a little more

- my e-mail address is william_taylor@hotmail.co.uk

Look on the brightside.

29-05-08, 15:58
Hi William

Great post and I have no doubt with your attitude you will come out of this just fine I wish you well and a big welcome to NMP.


Cathy V
29-05-08, 18:41
Hi william and welcome to nmp. Loved your message, very positive!
Hope you can share with us anything thats bothering you...you're not alone.:sofa:

Best wishes
Cathy V xx

29-05-08, 18:54
Hello William And Welcome Its Good To See A Positive Post....i Wish Ya Well............linda

milly jones
29-05-08, 19:30
welcome to the nmp family william,

im sur ull be an asset to the site,

best wishes

milly x

29-05-08, 21:35
Hi William,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

30-05-08, 07:04
Hi William

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

30-05-08, 20:18
Hiya William :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin: . You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
Take a good look around the site and keep posting about whatever is on your mind and we will help as much as we can.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


02-03-09, 02:04
William I know how you feel, I am 15 years old and I had a concussion while playing hockey about a year ago. I didn't lose conciousness but it was my second concussion. After the accident I noticed I wasn't as good at sports and i felt uncoordinated. At the time I had no idea about post concussion syndrome and I blamed it on my body growing and not being used to my body because I have grew. I also started smoking weed more often, being bummed out about my athletic ability. Then mentally things started to change. I had problems concentrating, short term memory loss, anxiety,depression, my ears feel like theyre clogged, I'm really sensitive to noise, my vision is sensitive to lights and is a bit blurry, thoughts are disconnected, headaches, trouble sleeping, feeling tired all the time and the list goes on. My marks dropped from about an 80 average to 65. I thought I had permantly damaged by brain from smoking weed and i felt even more depressed and started having terrible anxiety and i also started to go a bit insane. I didn't tell ONE person what was going on and I kept all this bottled up. I couldnt communicate well or enjoy anyones company because of my depression, even my family or close friends. Then i could see my family and friends looking sort of depressed to like it rubbed off on them(which made me feel awful). I used to very out going, good looking and funny guy before all of this (it also made it hard to flirt with girls which crushed my confidence). Now it's a year later and I still suffer from these symptons but I stopped smoking weed thinking it was the cause of all this but my symptons didnt go away (although it did help some what) and just the other day I was reading up on concussions on wikipedia and read about post concussion syndrome. My symptons were exactly the same and I read that physically it kicks in first and mentally after then eventually you'll get out of it physically, then mentally it will last longer but should stop no longer then a year. I also read

02-03-09, 02:10
(continued) that not being educated about post concussion syndrome and thinking your brain is permantly damaged causes anxiety and makes symptons alot worse. Reading that was a relief and Im starting to get better physically and im getting coordinated again. I still suffer the mental symptons and I hope they go away because i also read some people have them for life. I pray that's not me.

Thank you for reading it feels good to get all of that off my chest. (p.s i still havent told my parents about my condition they just think smoking weed has killed my grades, and recently my brother who is 19 has gone depressed.)

03-03-09, 21:10
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

03-03-09, 22:10
hI THERE AND :welcome: to the site, lots of good advice here to help you through , take care xx

06-03-09, 09:04
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx