View Full Version : Obsessed with my worry

29-05-08, 10:52
I apologise in advance, as I have placed quite a few posts on this subject, as it takes over my days, but I promise this will be the last on this subject for a while. ("Thank goodness " I hear you all cry) :)

Does anyone mis read sentences by reading what the mind thinks it should be, rather than what it is? I also do the same with words?
I do the same when thinking, I know what a word is, but my mind thinks of another one, a bit like word association I suppose.
Or I can think of a word & my mind will flash up a similar one.
Reading or thinking at the moment is quite a bind.

My mind also spends hours repeating things, car no plates, times, words from a sentence or whole sentences. I dont feel the need to do it, it just rambles on on its own. I can be concentrating on making tea & then find my mind in the background deciding to repeat the brand of a savoury sauce!!

Sorry to go over & over this subject, just need peace of mind.

I also want to say a big thank you to everyone that has already been subjected to my constant worry (lol, only been on this sight for a couple of days & gone post crazy!! Probably get banned for over use lol). But it's so nice to know that, even if I dont get a reply, I can put my worries down & perhaps someone else with similar worries may get some kind of release by reading mine.

Thanks :D

milly jones
29-05-08, 20:48
hun u keep posting if it helps unload ur worries

think i may have answered before but yes i do get brain 'ocd' as i call it. missing and mixed words, reading, writing, speaking. picking wrong items when shopping and getting home with eg a green jelly, god knows why!!

i worry if i cant remember silly things like the surname of friends. it goes over and over and drives me mad.

i worry about forgetting things and have endless lists

i replay the day at night thinking what ive done and how i could have done things better, esp any conversations and if i have upset anyone unintentionally

songs drive me mad remembering lyrics, i hate music and the radio now

ur not alone hun


30-05-08, 07:53
Thank you Milly,

it was very kind of you to reply, I went to bed feeling a little more relaxed.

Had a bad morning this morning. Was half awake & for some reason I was thinking about roast pots & roasting them in oil & butter (go figure lol) anyway, as usual, my mind started rambling over the words butter & oil, next thing it decides to add the word bread. It just wears me out, I have no idea why it does it & want it to stop.

30-05-08, 10:32
Wow, I get this kind of thing all the time- I just kinda put up with it but never tied it in with my anxiety problems. I see a word or some letters on a number plate or when doing a crossword and my mind races making similar words of it's own accord. For example if i get ,say, the word slating in my head, my brain, of it's own accord, will think up all the words ending in -ating ie mating, sating etc and yeah i find it a bit tiresome but i thought it was just me. God, I feel like a bit of a fruitcake when i describe this in words, but hey, probably another symptom of an overactive mind which goes hand in hand with anxiety disorders!

I do totally get you mate. You're definitely not alone in this one!

Siobhan x:)

31-05-08, 09:30
I know, its quite strange, the mind picks up words on its own.
Thought i would go & catch some rain today! yep, I know its sun, but mind did word association on rain. Same as I thought the shower was to hot this morning, when it was a bath.

I suppose I am thinking about it to much & my mind is working overtime.

12-06-08, 17:14
am so glad i find u lot ..i thought it was me going mad with words...songs...thinking to much...now i no some of u have this to .I dont feel like there be comeing in there white coats to take me away now :D It can get very annoying doing this a lot of the day am told i got a very bad anxiety...