View Full Version : New..ish! and very Emetophobic :o(

29-05-08, 13:38
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to introduce myself and hopefully find others with Emetophobia as i have never spoke to any emetophobes! A lil bit about me - ive had Emetophobia for 25 yrs(since i was 3) and am phobic of both myself being sick and others. Im getting worse all the time and noone seems to understand especially my gps surgery. At the moment I have a semi functioning day to day life but only barely. I suffer constant anxiety and panic and take a daily cocktail of anti emetics incase I feel sick. I only feel safe when im at home and have started to dread going out even to the local shops. Ive seen a pyschologist,had CBT,been prescribed antideppressants which i wouldnt take and had valium for a month or so (which worked!)
If anyone else has emetophobia i would really like to chat to you.

29-05-08, 13:43
Hi Maeanna,

Welcome to the site. Many here understand how you feel and you will get support. I myself do not suffer with emetophobia but others here do and I know they will be able to give you good advice.

Many hugs,


Pink Panic
29-05-08, 13:44
Hi Maeanna and Welcome :hugs:


29-05-08, 13:55
Thanks for the warm welcome! I did join the site a few yrs back when i was doin better and since then have had various treatments which havent worked but did make me realise ive had my phobia virtually all my life and its now completely taken over my life and i dont want it to! im about to have regression hypnosis and just want it to work so much! x

29-05-08, 14:37
Hi Maeanna,

Welcome back! I do hope the hypnosis works, please let us know.



milly jones
29-05-08, 20:39
hi mae

we met in chat last night


milly xx

29-05-08, 20:49
Hey Milly,
Thanks! chat was a lil overwhelming!!! lol! :huh:

29-05-08, 21:20
Hi Maeanna,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

29-05-08, 21:24
Thanks Chalky, i am looking forward to meeting other people in the same situation as me coz havin a phobia/anxiety can be lonely!!!

30-05-08, 06:58
Hi Maeanna

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx