View Full Version : Hi am new, advice needed please

29-05-08, 14:40
Hi, I have always been a bit prone to being anxious in the past however it seems to be out of control. Since Sat i have had 5 panic attacks, haven't been able to catch my breath properly. Put it down to part and parcel of my asthma although its never really been problematic, however last night in bed I got a crushing pain in my chest, palpitations and breathlessness. Called nhs helpline who sent out paramedics however they said it was a panic attack, were very nice advised me to contact doctor i have a appointment tomorrow morning. Felt a lot better first thing , got a lift to work and getting out the car it happened again! Felt detatched and embarrassed cos work colleagues witnessed it. Felt panicy again at dinner but controlled it, hate this, I am single mum to a 3yr old and i feel like i am falling apart, its not like me, any ideas what can bring them on with a vengance this way? Am 26 and apart from asthma otherwise fit and healthy. I have suffered OCD for 15 yrs however its very much more controlled now and such a part of my life I dont notice it. The panic attacks however are a diff matter very scary. Pls advise!!

29-05-08, 14:50
Hi Melissa

Welcome to NMP :bighug1:

Panic attacks are very frightening but can do us no harm, i know it's really difficult to believe but it's true.

Have you had a wee read through the posts on the forum? there is lots of really good advive there.

Good luck with the doctors tomorrow and hope you feel better soon

Love Lisa

29-05-08, 15:02
Thank you. It is scary although I am relieved it is not a physical ailment which is what I thought it could be. Assume that is common though. Dont suppose doctor will b able to do much, just need to be able to function normally what with work and my daughter. So strange happening out the blue. Or maybe not. I dont know.x

cheeky monkey
29-05-08, 15:49
Hi ya
I too have asthma and panic attacks, and sometimes its hard to tell one from the other, they can be scary, have a word with your doctor there is something on the market called rescue remedy, it costs about five pound but your doc might be able to give you something.
If you want to chat anytime pm me or I'm on msn
take care

29-05-08, 16:50
I am gonna try some relaxation techniques this evening also and see if I can get myself to a point where I am actually totally relaxed. Feel its more frightemning being on my own when it happens so if I can get through this evening without any mishaps I think thats a good step as past few nights I have had had them. Now i recognise certain feelings before they happen am hoping I can try and relax myself before they come on - fingers crossed! I would hate for my little girl to see me that way, only glad so far she has been not about or asllep when they havehappened so far

29-05-08, 18:55
Hello Melissa And Welcome.i Wish Ya Well...........linda

milly jones
29-05-08, 19:26
hi im milly

i find drinking cold water helps, but i dont have asthma.

i also practise slow steady breathing when im not stressed.

my son is older, but has taken anx in his stride, i just tell him that im feeling poorly that day and explain gently what could happen so as hes not frightened. i understand ur child is younger tho.

well welcome to nmp.

the website on the left has loads of really useful advice and facts to help undertstand our illness

best wishes

milly x

29-05-08, 21:39
Hi Melissa,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

30-05-08, 07:05
Hi Melissa

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

30-05-08, 12:15
Hi Melissa,

Welcome to the site. You will find that many here will understand how you feel and you will get support. I have anxiety and OCD. I have found that through my OCD was how I tried to control my anxiety. My OCD was cleaning my house. I am much better now. I also can have asthma at times and have an inhaler. The few panic attacks I have had were not like my asthma attacks. I do hope you feel better soon and I am so glad you found us.

Many hugs,


30-05-08, 15:04
Thank u so much everyone for your nice words. Doctor has given me a lot of literature which I am just about to start ploughing through! Along with some relaxation techniques etc. Had a lovely realxing evening yest, started to feel a little funny about 10pm but recognised it and managed to calm it down before it became too bad. If they carry on I am to go back and the doctor says he will prescribe a mild anti depressent but only as a last resort. After 5 days of what I now think has been a series of panic attacks (because it has been prolonged chest pains and shortness of breath culminiting in a few moment of real terror - if that makes sense), I feel a lot better today. I can actually breathe properly, have been on a bus, to the supermarket and am now sat in work and apart from a little moment on the way to work have been fine, and that was nothing like what it has been!! Am looking forward to a relaxing weekend - thank you all so much, speak to you soon! Hope everyone has a great weekend x

30-05-08, 15:56
Hiya Melissa :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin: .
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. hope to talk to you soon in chat.
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
