View Full Version : Mental

29-05-08, 14:41

I was just wondering who here is experiencing the same thing as me. For a while now my brain feels like it isn't working properly. I've heard lots of people talk about 'brain fog' and it seems like this could be what is affecting me.

Basically my head just doesn't feel clear at all. I don't feel as sharp or mentally alert as I used to, and have trouble concentrating. My short term memory has gone out the window (though it wasn't the greatest before) and I make silly mistakes when doing things. I often get my words muddled up when speaking or can't verbalise what I'm trying to say.

Added to that my perception of everything feels a tiny bit altered. Its almost like a feeling of very mild intoxication, or having a slight head cold. All this is combined with a woozy, giddy feeling I have 24/7 and has left me feeling rather strange.

I've seen anxiety symptoms that kind of match this but can't shake the thought that I've got some terrible condition that is rotting my brain from the inside. I start a demanding career in 9 months and am scared that if I don't shake this by then it will seriously affect my ability to perform.

Does anyone else here have the same affliction and do you have any tips or advice? Would going on some kind of medication help alleviate these symptoms?

Thanks a lot

Edit: As if to prove my point I started altering the title of the thread, got distracted and posted without finishing what I was doing!

29-05-08, 15:44
Am personally taking beta blockers and venlafaxine anti depressant and normal days if there is such a thing feel that brain fog syptom buts its more like just brain just dont percieve whats real anymore like mind check the same thing over and over again and dont get anywhere just confused.

Feel so altered and debranched disconnected feel like am comatized.
Exercise helps with this and so does getting fresh air.

Not sure if take meds but like all meds they have side effects and make make condition worse.

milly jones
29-05-08, 20:11
hi hun,

my brain gets totally confused sometimes and concentration wanders

i write or say wrong words or even read then, particularly swopping words or negatives for positives in sentences. this often leads to misunderstandings.

i also walk into mens toilets cos i havent read the picture properly, funny afterwards

i loose the car in carparks etc

i put all of this down to anx

my doc said that the brain is like a jug full of water, most of time non spills, but with anx it is permanently lapping over the sides, and u just cant keep it all in

hope that helps a little


29-05-08, 20:42
Hi Gman,
Yea I can totally relate to that,it's scarry isn't it.
I get silly thoughts as well,not about suicide or anything like that, just daft stuff, been getting it the past few weeks - It does go a bit as the day goes on tho.
I've been on 2mg Diazepam since Feb. and I wondered if it's something to do with that.

29-05-08, 20:53
I also get the woozy giddy feeling like I've had a drink even though I don't touch the stuff, can't say if meds will help with this as I'm too scared to take any (another one of my phobias).

29-05-08, 21:10

I have the woozy, giddy feelings alot of the time.

My head doesnt feel right since i had the anxiety.

I have got so forgetful lately to

love mandie x

30-05-08, 10:39
Hi, thanks for the replies.

Do you feel like this all the time or is it just when you are anxious?

I have been feeling like this 24/7 recently and that's what I find concerning.

Even when I feel perfectly calm and relaxed my head is all fuzzy, I think that's what's most concerning.

30-05-08, 10:49
Hi there, what you're describing is what's calleded depersonalisation or derealisation. It goes hand in hand with symptoms of stress an anxiety 99% of the time so it is normal and yes, it will diminish when you get a handle on your anxiety. Hold on in there mate

Siobhan x