View Full Version : Feel alone

29-05-08, 15:36
Hi guys,

Ivew suffered bad anxiety for 3 years now but does get better and will come back. I tend to think things are wrong with me everyday, basically like today is my last day of living as tomorrow something bad will happen. If I have a holiday coming up i cant look forward to it cause i think i wont be here to see it.

The symptoms i get are,
Constant lightheadedness
Tension between eyes
hot flushes
heart beating fast
feel really spaced out
If i go far something bad will happen and il feel like im gonna faint.

I basically live with a restriction and believe i do have a serious health problem for me to be feeling the way I do and to get the symptoms i get. I have joint this site for reasurance and to see if anyone can relate to me. Id be so grateful for replies.

Take care
Kate x

29-05-08, 15:45
Hi Kate all of those symptoms relate to anxiety and cannot harm you.
I was suffering many symptoms since coming out of hospital after having major surgery back in Feb.

But since finding this site my anxiety levels have more or less disappeared as i now stop worrying about every little symptom as i know it is just anxiety.

I am off on my hols in a couple of weeks and am really looking forward to it.

Try to relax ( i know that is easy for me to say ) and i hope your anxiety levels improve.

PM me anytime

Mandy xx

Pink Panic
29-05-08, 15:52
Hi Kate,

Welcome to the site :hugs:

You certainly won't feel alone now as there are loads of us on here who can identify with all the symptoms of anxiety.
This is a great forum and you will meet some lovely people.

Love & Hugs

29-05-08, 15:53
Thank u so much guys, im just scared all my symptoms are related to dying but maybe having found this site there not x

29-05-08, 16:17
I completely know how you feel. I don't have all of your sympthoms but, here is my story - hopefully it will help. I have always suffered with anxiety, whether it be large groups, health, and I can be very obsessive compulsive. Now most people would never tell I have issues, unless it gets really bad and then the only thing they notice is that I seem down and depressed. I recently got married, bought a house, have a baby on the way in 2 weeks, changed jobs, my mother is in and out of the hospital and is dying of cancer (liver, lungs, and a few more places), and yesterday my dad chopped his finger off. So needless to say, my anxiety has went through the roof. My family doctor has tried to help me - however, so far hasn't been able to. Although the medication has made it slightly better - I don't feel like I'm living in my own personal hell all the time. At one point my sympthoms were: severe muscle fatigue, if I laid down every muscle in my body twitched, headaches, dry mouth, enlarged glands (mainly due to me poking and searching for them), insomnia, I've burned myself to try and get relief (even if for a moment). Anyways, I did the worst thing you can do - google my sympthoms (I ended with potentially having HIV, Cancer, Cat Scratch Fever and even once it came back with the Plague)......so try to stay away from there. I've had my doctor do blood work twice and he claims I'm as healthy as a horse. And I know I am.....well at this moment as I am writing this. However, I can almost guarentee that within the next 20 minutes I'll be convinced once more that there is something wrong with me. You are not alone. My doctor has referred my to a Psychiatrist on June 12 to take a look at differant anxiety medications. He siad I'm not crazy....maybe a little nuts. :) I quite enjoy him. Anyways, if you ever want to talk or know more PM me. My wife once told me this - what does it matter if you do have something.....do you want to look back on your last days and have regret, or do you want to live life to the fullest and look back and say I did the best I could, no regrets. All I'm trying to say is don't let the anxiety rule your life - you might miss out on some amazing things.

29-05-08, 18:28
Hi Kate

Welcome to the site.

I can relate to all of your symptoms.

I feel exactly the same.

Please pm me if u ever need to chat.

love mandie x

30-05-08, 10:19
Hi mate. After 14 years on and off, I've had every symtom imaginable; some you wouldn't believe! And I know that feeling of not being able to look forward to anything- I feel the same in the grip of my anxiety. But hey, I'm still here, fighting, after thinking my number was up at least 10,000 times over the years. We all know how you feel

siobhan x

30-05-08, 15:39

hang in there, i am in the same boat - chest pains, palpitations, dizziness, etc.. but the thing that is most depressing to me is the feelings of impending doom, or as you stated, not being able to look forward to the future because we may not be here. most of these started for me after a drug overdose in my early 20's. now in my late 30's they've come back to a lesser degree, but still scary as hell. i've been in therapy for 4 months, and just had my first session of EMDR. i am reluctant to take meds because of the side effects and how they might affect my nervous system (i will rarely even take cold medicine).

i'm glad i found this board just to see other people are experiencing the same things as me and are still here to talk about it.