View Full Version : Alcohol Intolerance!!

11-04-05, 19:04
Since the birth of my son 4 years ago, I have developed an intolerance to alcohol. This also coincided with the start of my anxiety and panic attacks. Just a mouthful of alcohol makes me have a hot flush and i feel tipsy. I have to put cold water on my face to cool me down. I have read that anxiety can cause a sensitivity to certain foods and assume this could include alcohol. I really miss not being able to have a glass of wine occassionaly to unwind after a long day at work. Wondered if anyone else has experienced this and how they have got through it. It doesn't happen every time i have a drink but it does put me off having one. I have experienced many symptoms in the last 4 years, and slowly i feel i am overcoming each one, so would really appreciate any advice. Spoke to GP about it and his advice was "Don't drink then!" LOL.
Cheers! KT x

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.

11-04-05, 19:19
lmao @ dont drink then doctors eh lol If you dont mind not drinking then id lay off it for a bit while your suffering with anxiety and panic i suppose its down to your personal preference as people react differently to alcohol.. although ultimately in the end just get blaggered lol take care xxx

Love Sarah-Jane xxxx

11-04-05, 19:21
hi kt,

I can't drink at all since I developed panic attacks - it just doesn't seem to mix with me very well. I miss a nice glass of wine as well!!

Sarah :D

11-04-05, 19:43
Hi KT, Doctors where telling me for years DONT DRINK lol. It might be better if you don’t really need a drink KT and if it doesn’t really bother you going without. I started drink over 40 years ago it started like you it calmed the anxiety and relaxed me which was great (as I thought) but before I knew where I was I was using drink as I found it hide the anxiety and phobias. I ended up drinking daily and heavy for over 40 years. I seen nothing wrong with this because it relaxed and comforted me but I ended up more addicted than I realised as I couldn’t cope doing anything without drink in the end and my liver got bad. I stopped drink 18 months ago and that made my anxiety bad big time was in bed for weeks then didn’t go out the door for months. But now am much better I have learned to face my anxieties without drink, and when I look back I did waste so many years of my life through drink. I am not saying drink is bad and at the beginning I only took the odd drink to relax. Not every one will end up like I did we are all different. Drink is fine I think if you want the drink and you are not drinking to relax or to kill the anxiety because I wouldn’t have believed this years ago but drinking because you need to is where the addiction starts. Really wish I listened years ago and learned to cope without alcohol. Take care. Vernon.

11-04-05, 19:56
Hiya Kt,

I havent been able to drink since I got PAs. Im scared of the feelings it gives you when you are drunk. Im really sad!![:P]

Its the losing control thing I think.

I stick to J2o's. No alcohol, but tastes nice.

Jude x

Be gentle with yourself....you just need some time to heal.

11-04-05, 21:42
Hi Kt

What a bummer LOL. Its prob best to lay off the drink for a bit just until the pa's are more under control. Then see how you feel. But like Vern says understand whether you need a drink to relax and it takes away the anxiety or if you are like me you just would like a glass of wine now and again to chill with. Having spoken to my aunt when I was taking diazepam and worrying about becoming addicted to them she told me that people either have addictive natures or not. So just be careful in future.

Take care


11-04-05, 22:14
hi kt,
i developed an intolerance to alcohol, since my panic attacks started. i've gone from being a work hard, play hard party girl to a sensible jane who only has orange juice or water with her dinner and is in bed by 10 most nights!
maybe in time you'll be able to enjoy that glass of wine but i think for now it might be best to follow the gps advice, just until you've got more of a hold on your symptoms.
it's so boring and i hate it - i feel your frustration! i really hope we'll be able to enjoy the odd tipple in the future!
henri x

11-04-05, 22:19
I stopped alcohol for 3 /4 months totally as well as all simple sugars.

As I improved anxiety wise my tolerance returned to as it was pre panic state and I have no residual issues

Having anxiety does put a strain not only on your nervous sytem but also your endocrine system which controls certain chemical releases especially the one that controls sugar levels.


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Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

12-04-05, 21:08
Hi all and thanx for replying! I have never been a huge drinker, i often used to prefer to drive when going out, but do actually miss not being able to have just 1 or 2 socially as am scared of reaction i might have.
Henri- reading your reply made me laugh! You totally described me too. I used to enjoy clubbing (often coming home with the milk!!) and held down 2 jobs. I am now also in bed by 10.30pm and feel knackered working just part-time! What we like?? KT x

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.

15-04-05, 23:56
hi kt
tell me about the alcohol problem its really getting me down. i can drink like a fish and wake up the next morning without a hangover just like before. however give it ten or fifteen minutes and i spend the whole of the next day suffering panic attacks. i suffered my first panic attack the day after a heavy night of alcohol. i do blame the alcohol so its best for you to leave it. i also do miss not been able to go out on a night and be able to easilly get up for work the next day. i feel im becoming boring but no one really understands.
take care