View Full Version : Hello everyone, nice to know you all exist

29-05-08, 20:53
This is my first post on this forum, tho I've been reading it continously for the last 48 hours since I discovered it while googling for a cure.
I had my first panic attack when I was 19 yrs old, back in 2000. During my first panic attack I've called the ambulance and the nurse who was a very young lady told me on the way to the hospital that I had a heart attack! While in the waiting area at the ER I've heard some nurses saying I was ischemic or that I had an artery blocked. I 've been held in the hospital in the UK 3 days after they put a camera through one of my arteries to see if it was blocked or not. They send me home saying it's nothing wrong with my heart but since then I can't recover.
Going back to my country I had several panic attacks in 2001, all ending at the ER. Nurses were saying I have Wolf Parkinson White syndrome, doctors were sending me home saying it's nothing wrong with me. Actually one nurse said that if I will ever smoke a cigarette,drink a glass of beer or eat chocolate I will die. Can you just imagine what impact her words had in my head? I will never forget her all my life..
In 2003 I've finally been sent to a psichyatrist and she put me on Zoloft (Sertraline)and Rivotril (Clonazepam) straight away.
I've managed to escape the black hole I've lived in between 2000-2003 after 3 months of medication and life started to get colour again. I still have relapses like once at couple months.
Recently in UK I've had some hypno therapy sessions which helped a lot. After a major anxiety and despression episode which lasted between December and March this year I decided to try hypno-therapy as a last resort, I thought. I've been feeling completely normal and I was sure it was gone forever. 2 weeks ago it started all over again, but not that bad as they used to be. It's like the panic tries me, like kicking this wall I've built in the last months and can't go through, to it's full power. But I am afraid my wall will start shaking soon.
I do appologise for my english. Altough I live in UK now, my english is not as good as it should be.
That's it for now, I wasn't prepared to write "my story", I just wanted to pop in and say Hi, but I thought I should introduce my self just a lil.
Thank you very much for being there.

29-05-08, 20:59
Hi and welcome,
Have you had an E.C.G as W.P.W will show up on that as It is an extra electrical impulse around the heart (my hubby has it ). You will get lots of advice from the site.

29-05-08, 21:04
Thank you for your reply :hugs:
During the first 3 years of my panic attacks I had not hundreds, but probably 100 different EKG, blood tests, thyroid check, etc, plus the camera to check my artery. My last ECG or EKG was taken 2 months ago. It came out normal. And so did the blood tests.

29-05-08, 21:13
Hi Sheba,
That's great all tests came out normal, I think the symptoms you get with anexiety are very frightening, I too go for months making great progress only to wake one day and find things have gone down hill, reading others posts they too suffer relapses. I suffer from agoraphobia and social phobia which I'm working very hard at trying to overcome. I found hypnotherapy helpful but can't manage to take meds as I'm frightened to take them.

29-05-08, 21:15
Hi Sheba,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

29-05-08, 21:26
Hi Sheba,
That's great all tests came out normal, I think the symptoms you get with anexiety are very frightening, I too go for months making great progress only to wake one day and find things have gone down hill, reading others posts they too suffer relapses. I suffer from agoraphobia and social phobia which I'm working very hard at trying to overcome. I found hypnotherapy helpful but can't manage to take meds as I'm frightened to take them.
I think your agoraphobia and social phobias are horrible, I do get that once I have too many panic attacks, then it come depression , being unhappy and being scared to go out. I usually hate to go out because it makes me cry to see people happy, having a drink and a laugh. Makes me look like such a victim, thinking everyone's happy but me and I am not like them and so on. Which now sounds really stupid:)
I am very proud to say that last August, after 4 years of taking clonazepam I finally stopped taking it. It was a long and scary process, because as you probably know it is a very addictive drug, but I've done it! And now I am trying to come off sertraline, I want to try have a baby next year and I want a drug free body for my baby.

All the best to you,

30-05-08, 07:00
Hi Sheba

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

30-05-08, 11:52
Hi Sheba,

Welcome to the site. You will find that many here will understand what you are feeling and you will get support. You may be having symptoms because you are trying to go off your anti-depressant. Most of us do have blips now and then. If hypnotherapy does work for you, I would continue to do it while easing off the anti-depressant. Good luck!

Many hugs,


milly jones
30-05-08, 17:08
hi sheba,

welcome to the nmp forum

hope that ull gain as much support and advice as i do here

milly xx

30-05-08, 20:14
Hiya Sheba :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin: . You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
Take a good look around the site and keep posting about whatever is on your mind and we will help as much as we can.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


31-05-08, 01:17
Hello Sheba And Welcome .....i Wish Ya Well...........linda

01-06-08, 09:34
Hi Sheba,:bighug:

Have just been reading your story poor you hun.:ohmy:
Am a newbie :blush: and have just found this site.:yesyes:
I hope you find it as usefull as me. :flowers:


01-06-08, 20:42
Hi and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

01-06-08, 23:37
Big Thank You to each and every one of you for taking time to reply to me.
I find this site very helpful and I've been reading it every night before going to bed. It makes me feel so good after I read couple posts.
I've had my ups and downs these days, but this evening I've had this sad feeling with no reason. I feel really sad and feel like crying. I always know that after this comes a panick attack. I don't know at which point I started linking being sad with panick attacks but now I know I have to break the habit, try to do something else , talk to my husband and try to ignore the sad feelings. I can't really do it because my mind continously wonders Why do I feel sad, is this depression caused by anxiety? What is happening to me, what's causing it?
I mainly have this feeling after I have an afternoon nap. I've noticed this years ago. After sleeping in the afternoons I will wake up with this strange feeling, like I'm sad, want to cry, I can't do anything, my heart would beat faster.
Do any of you get this? Why do you think it is?

Kisses and hugs,

02-06-08, 00:10
Hello and Welcome

I hope you find everything you are looking for xxx