View Full Version : how long can you take antidepressants for??

29-05-08, 22:12

Ive just joined this forum today and feel so much better that there are so many understanding people who have the same thoughts as me! i just need some viewpoints from people on this..
I have not been taking citalopram for 3 months ( after two years on it anxiety free.it worked brillantly or me ).. I was just wondering (cause im starting to feel panic again) can people be on antidepressants for the rest of their lives?? if I have tried a few time prevous to this to come off them but the panic juct comes back. basically, can peple just take antidepressants all their life?? the most years ive read about people taking them is about 8 years...any advice would be appreciated x:blush:

29-05-08, 22:27
hiya i came off citalopram for 4 and a half months cos i felt great but then the panic attacks and the anxiety started kicking in i couldnt cope so im back on the anti d's but i wanted to try prozac and am now taking them i feel abit better. i think when u are on the anti d's its very hard coming off them ive bin on them nearly 5 years now x

29-05-08, 22:39
Im glad you feel better... if you dont mind me asking, do you think it is a possiblity of you taking them forever and does the thought of that bother you?? I just feel I want to take the easy option and just go back on them!! I want a baby one day, and I worry how Im gona be able to do the 9 months med free....(another one of my worries )...

29-05-08, 22:50
yes the thought of being on them for the rest of my life frightens me i dont want to be on them for the rest of my life i cant see me coming off them i was off them for 4 and a half months and could not cope. i have 2 children threw my second pregnancy i was took off mirtazipane and put on a low dosage of citalopram 20mg i took them threw out my pregnancy and i had a healthy baby boy who is now 5 months i would not have coped with my anxiety and being pregnant with out the anti d's xxx

30-05-08, 11:50
Hi - I was told that for many of the anti-d''s to work fully you should be on them for 2 yrs. Apparently that is to do with the durgs helping to repair the mechanical bits in your brain. After that it's to help you keep constant and on top of things.....

But I did about 6-8 months on drugs before coming off them (can't remember) but I had full support from Dr and therapist when I came off them. So I think it really depends on the individual. I know my breakdown was caused by a certain event and I got bogged down and spiralled out of control..

Regarding pregnancy - there are some drugs that have been issued as 'ok' to take during pregnancy. Many of them just haven't had the research done to see if they are ok. Cos' not many pregnant ladies will volunteer for such research! But I was told by my GP although not taking meds is the preferred option ( obviously!) it can be more harmful for mummy and baby to not be on them - again it's an individual thing.

I am currently pregnant with my 2nd child and I was convinced I'd never have another because of my breakdown a few Summers ago. I am aware of my mental health and try to be pro-active ( lots of relaxation going on at my house!) to keep things level for myself.

30-05-08, 14:03
hi there, Can I join your thread please?

We were trying to conceive. I just had an ectopic which miscarried at 10 weeks. While I was pg my hormones seemed to affect me more. I was more anxious, I had hoped to be less anxious if anything. I had several PAs when I had none previously for months.

I am taking 20mg seroxat which I seem unable to do without at the moment. My doc told me that I must come off meds and spoke to me like I was an idiot. I know about meds and preferably not being on them, and had reduced my dose a lot. But feeling so panicky all the time makes me wonder if there is something I could take while pregnant.

the whole experience has made me wonder if I would be able to cope with pregnancy at all and if I should perhaps settle for having just the one child, We have a DD aged 10. You guys give me hope there is a possibility of having a baby while having anxiety. Is this true? Please tell me. I hate to think of our DD having no siblings or of us not having any babies.

30-05-08, 15:36

been taking cipralex for 3 years
came off them once and was poorly, so went straight back on them....
...too scared to come off them now.

dawny x

30-05-08, 15:50

I have a 9 month old baby and took ADs from week 13 of my pregnancy. I was also under the care of a perinatal consultant, who saw me regularly and really helped with the meds side.

My baby is absolutely fine and I would take meds again if I got pregnant.

My anxiety did get rather worse during my pregnancy, but then i cant bear being pregnant and was worried about my baby as she measured small on the scans. she weighed 5 pounds 13. not a lot, but shw has more than made up for it!!

Liz xx

30-05-08, 16:28
Hi Lizzie

Congratulations on your little girl! My doc said that 1st 12 weeks were crucial. But also that there was possibility of baby suffering withdrawal when he or she is born? Was your little one ok?

30-05-08, 19:40
Hi Lisa - can you see another Dr of advice ? Cos' my Dr says there are ways around it.... you can do pregnancy on meds if you need to.

When you were pregnant you said you were more anxious. But the first stage of pregnancy drives you barmy even if you don't suffer with anixety - hormones go through the roof, you can't relax cos' of the fear of losing baby. I saw a Reflexologist to help me calm down a little and I really have taken finding 'me time' to relax to another level. Not easy with a 3 yr old round my legs but managing.

So don't give up hope on pregnancy - it is really possible to cope with the anxiety when pregnant.

30-05-08, 19:55

the perinatal lady told me of the risk of the baby and withdrawal but when i had my baby no one monitored me at all. i was surprised but they said about half of women are on meds but they keep it quiet. If anything, everyone says how happy my baby is!!! She always smiles.

I had her by c section on a friday and was homw by lunchtime sunday morning!!!

Take care - Liz xx

30-05-08, 20:20
There's no reason why you can't stay on antidepressants for the rest of your life. Infact, a lot of psychiatrists recomend that you do if you have a long history of depression. They say - What's the point in getting better, comming off antidepressants, and then having to go back on them again. You might as well stay on them if they are working for you.


30-05-08, 22:21
yes i agree with samc100 it really is possible to cope with ur anxiety while pregnant. at first i felt on edge being preg and didnt eat for the first couple of days i just felt sick and panicky and lost my appetite but after a while my body got used to carrying a baby and it was something me and my partner wanted and i was the same i didnt want my son to be a lonely child having a second child was the best thing i have ever done and i would do it again cos the rewards is unreal that u get after i am so proud of myself for coping. when i was pregnant it set my mind thinking of something else and i started to get excited. i suffer with agraphobia aswell i hate small rooms and hate feeling trapped i was constantly worried about how hot it was going to be in the hospital and i was worried i didnt know were the exits were but i coped and if i can cope with pregnancy and anxiety then there's hope for anyone xxxxx