View Full Version : up and downs

29-05-08, 22:13
i have hard anxiety for about 10 months now it has got a little better but i keep getting really good day then really bad days one after the other. i is really tireing me out can anyonr help

Cathy V
29-05-08, 22:47
Hi laura, yes thats the nature of the anx I think. Ive had a bad day today, but yesterday i was fine, and managed to sit on a bus for 40mins into a city centre and wander in and out of lots of shops, sat and had a coffee and some lunch etc. (all with my daughter i might add, not alone) So why was today different? I felt it the minute i woke up yet i hadn't done anything different or changed meds or anything. Some days are good and some not so good. Maybe weve just forgotten that this can be the same for 'normal' ppl too and not just us anxies lol! sorry i couldnt be more help but just to say you're not alone.....:sofa:

cathy xxx