View Full Version : Fighting Back

11-04-05, 19:33
Last week when faced with an event which was giving me extreme panic attacks I had an experience that I hope will give hope or ideas to you all.

First I will explain how I feel during a panic attack - I feel as if I'm curled up in a small ball deep down inside myself, it's very dark, I'm so frightened and I can't think straight. I sit still in terror.

Well, it was during a really bad attack that I heard myself say "ENOUGH! I'm fed up with feeling like this, I'm fed up with YOU (the panic - I always think of it as a thing :)) coming and spoiling everything for me". I felt really, really angry.

Then I felt myself rise up inside, feeling as if I was stretching out into my body, pushing to the very ends of my fingers and toes. Everything suddenly seemed bright and light and I stood up tall, feeling so empowered, like I could do ANYTHING.

I felt so in control, like I had pushed this monster out of myself, I could feel the anger coursing through me and I wonder now if I was using up the adrenalin that had been released for the panic and turning it on itself.

Whatever it was I've been able to remember those feelings and I've been using them to keep any anxiety down where it belongs - because I'm in charge now!

I don't think at any time I LOOKED angry, I just stood up, stood tall and felt great.

I hope this can happen for you too.


11-04-05, 19:41
hello Roma,

Well done for standing upto Mr. Panic!! Now that you have done it once, you will be able to continue doing so..

Sarah :D

11-04-05, 19:48
Well done Roma. Good tip to thanks I will try this and understans fully what you mean. Its like a bully at school who goies on and on and on picking on you untill you are sick of it and turn? take care and thanks. Vernon

11-04-05, 19:54
i did that too hon, well done!!! you have to get angry enough and you are outraged that mr panic can do this to you!! when you do it the feeling afterwards is amazing, well done!!!! i used to run around panicing then one day i made myself stop and think, i still get panics but i know what to do now, you have made me remember how to handle it, thank you


11-04-05, 21:17

Well done you. Its coping with the adrenalin that takes over and you did it just great and kept focussed on what you wanted.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

11-04-05, 21:22
Hi Roma

Yeh you. What an achievement. I hope that you are very proud of yourself. No matter what its understanding that the panic can be beaten. We manifest it therefore we can overcome it. Difficult at times but true nonetheless. As Sal says it is adrenalin that causes alot of the symtoms so rechanneling that energy changed your bodies reaction.

Big hugs for facing your fear
take care xx


11-04-05, 21:26
Well done Roma. You did great!


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

12-04-05, 02:03
Well done ! ;]

As I was reading your post, I remembered a song -> 'Open Your Eyes' by Guano Apes
The chorus goes:
Open your eyes, open your mind
Proud like a god, don't pretend to be blind
Trapped in yourself, break out instead
Beat the machine that works in your head

I think this is exactly what you managed to do. I'm proud of you ;]

12-04-05, 06:58
well done roma!!!

thats a fantastic attitude.......perhaps this is your way to deal with this......and thats a great way.


12-04-05, 09:18
That's great news Roma, you must be feeling pretty proud of yourself right now :D. Keep it going.
Take care

12-04-05, 09:24
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Well done Roma. Good tip to thanks I will try this and understans fully what you mean. Its like a bully at school who goies on and on and on picking on you untill you are sick of it and turn? take care and thanks. Vernon

<div align="right">Originally posted by vernon - 11 April 2005 : 19:48:35</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

That's exacty it Vernon, and a bully is really just a weakling who thinks they can overpower you but when you turn and stand up to them they run away.


12-04-05, 09:29
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Well done ! ;]

As I was reading your post, I remembered a song -&gt; 'Open Your Eyes' by Guano Apes
The chorus goes:
Open your eyes, open your mind
Proud like a god, don't pretend to be blind
Trapped in yourself, break out instead
Beat the machine that works in your head

I think this is exactly what you managed to do. I'm proud of you ;]

<div align="right">Originally posted by indie - 12 April 2005 : 02:03:41</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

What great lyrics indie.

"Trapped in yourself, break out instead" is a great affermation and easy to remember. I can almost feel the chains of panic shattering as I imagine breaking free. Thanks. :)
