View Full Version : Happy Thoughts....oh please

30-05-08, 03:52
Hey Everyone ,

I was reading an article related to an alternative medicine site . The article was about a prominent german physician who claims most ailments from minor to major originate from pent up emotions , emotional shocks/trauma , or unresolved emotional issues . He continued on to explain his pretty little theory with DNA models and quantum physics . :shades: ......wow , eh ?

Furthermore , according to this distinguished physician , if these emotions are not
resolved within 9 months , approx. , ailments will develop ; hmmmm .....:emot-questioned:

Well , folks , we have emotional issues .......... oh oh :ohmy:
OK everyone , the solution is we need to get happy and quick ......

Thus happiness and a positive attitude = health ............:WTF:

So the impression , according to this brilliant physician's theory , since exercise , diet and rational whatnot has no mention ...... we all need to think positive , put on a happy face ( like some crazed maniac ) .... positively kick anyone's as*...
who has ever made us miserable .. present or past .... I'm for total removal ...myself ; ... then we could relax at home with Crack , beer , Fried Chicken , PCP and think happy thoughts and live 1000 yrs ........ aint that nice .:doh:

People , where do these educated monkeys come from ? and who trains them ?
Maybe ... just maybe .... NASA is letting these characters loose ....:scared15:

My , my , my is this the best society has to offer .....

Obviously , folks , we are intelligent enough to know that diet , exercise and many other variables influence health and not just one ....:notworthy:

Well , I thought religion could only spin this kind of propaganda in public .....
but talk about a good bullsh*t theory , hoollly sh*t ......

Ok , everyone , I'm happily and positively going to go and crown that german physician and his motley crew with a nobel prize on
their idiotic skulls .....:buttkick:

Regards ,

01-06-08, 05:23
Hello Everyone ,

I hope no one took offense to my posting , I hoped my one liners would generate some laughter ; in regards to this german physician's unnecessary theory . Which in my humble opinion , only creates uncalled fear . Thus , much of our global media , today , perpetuates this with propaganda via the newspaper and television .

Nobody , needs help generating stress , we all have enough on our plates .

Nevertheless , just in case the lack of response , was due to some offense ; well no offense intended . Just demonstrating how important / professional people forward unnecessary information for their own purposes using the vessel of fear to expose it to the general public .

I just thought I would share an example how humorous a transparent so called physician can be , regardless of his professional standing in society .

Regards ,

02-06-08, 17:17
I know what you're saying... just what you don't need to hear! There's so much of this rubbish around, so many misconceptions about what we're going through. The reality is no one really knows, there are so many variables, and that's before you get on to the nature/nurture debate!

03-06-08, 06:37
I know what you're saying... just what you don't need to hear! There's so much of this rubbish around, so many misconceptions about what we're going through. The reality is no one really knows, there are so many variables, and that's before you get on to the nature/nurture debate!
Hi Samira ,

Thanks Samira , for your response , well stated . I initially , just wanted to give everyone here a laugh , its good medicine . :)

Plus , there is alot of supposed professionals in respective health fields on both sides of the fence , Allopaths ( reg. doctors ) and Naturopaths . alike , who use fear to get their message across to the people in the mainstream public arena . Their academically inclined but practically declined ...lol :) in their reckless approach ; those educated cretins . Striking unnecesary confusion and fear in the public .

One could ponder and speculate is this a tactic to create more revenue for medical practitioners and Big Pharma drug manufacturers . Has their idle minds become so numb to evolve to whimsical theories with numerous variables ( that as you stipulate , Samira , may create a plethora of misconceptions ) or is it simply both and in that case these poor specimens and excuses of human beings are need of medication more than anyone roaming the earth .

Regards ,

04-06-08, 00:12
This is just a brief answer, but I agree in part with the scientist. Anxiety in part is a learnt response that we reinforce every time we react the way we do to negative stimuli. It is well documented that anxiety/stress suppress the immune system but that happiness/joy/elation etc support it, both on a chemical level. So maybe part of the trick is to gradually in small increments change the way we responde, retrain our thought patterns and reactions to things. Anyway, just food for thought.

04-06-08, 22:34
This is just a brief answer, but I agree in part with the scientist. Anxiety in part is a learnt response that we reinforce every time we react the way we do to negative stimuli. It is well documented that anxiety/stress suppress the immune system but that happiness/joy/elation etc support it, both on a chemical level. So maybe part of the trick is to gradually in small increments change the way we responde, retrain our thought patterns and reactions to things. Anyway, just food for thought.
Hi Grover ,

I agree , with your response in its entiriey . :)

Its just unnecesary to release that type of information to the public unless it includes the other variables that also influence health . Nutritionally being deficient , for example , suppresses the immune system ; as stated , many other variables do as well .

Twenty years ago , theses statements of stress , and this and that can kill you weren't often heard in mainsteam media as they have been in the recent years . Physicians , have stated to me , this kind of information has caused their patients more harm than good .

Nevertheless , Grover , thanks for the food for thought , .. it was yummy ... :)

Regards ,