View Full Version : AARRGGHHHHH!!!!!!

11-04-05, 19:49
Me again.
Just when i thought things were ok BANG all goes wrong again and i've had a really bad day today.
All started on Friday, my kids were meant to go to their dads for the weekend. Half hour before he was due to come and get them my eldest daughter burst into tears and said she didn't want to go. Something to do with his new baby and his partner etc etc. Landed up that she didn't go but my youngest did. Then saturday afternoon i get a text asking me to go and collect my youngest she weren't happy.
Then yesterday found out that John's dad isn't gonna come to the wedding :(. According to his step sister it's because John's step mum don't like either of us lol (how could she not we're lovely really lol). I'm really angry at him how can he not come to his own sons wedding????? I just don't get it. John's mum and dad are divorced and we knew his mum couldn't come as she had a stroke a few years back and lost the use of her right arm and for her to come down on a train with luggage would be near on impossible, that i can understand. But his dad knew she wasn't coming so you'd think that would make him more determined to be there. I feel so bad for John, even though he says it doesn't bother him i'm sure it must.
A while ago I posted on here about an arguement that occured at work between my friend and my cousin which resulted in them saying if she goes to wedding i'm not. Well managed to get that sorted but today they started arguing again [Sigh...].
To top it all i've got PMT as well and thats bad enough as it is but today been suffering with chest and left arm pain again and i'm fed up.
Just needed to get it off my chest.

11-04-05, 20:22
Oh tracy, you poor thing. Is there no way you or John can talk his dad round? It's such a shame he has made that decision - i'm sure he will regret it forever if he doesn't go to your wedding.
sounds like you have had a nightmare day. i prescribe a warm bath with some relaxing bath salts in it, some yummy food and a hot water bottle. never fails!
i know it sounds selfish, but i think it's important to take a bit of time to just look after yourself and put all these issues to one side, even if it's just for half an hour. will help you feel so much better.
take care,
henri x

11-04-05, 21:04
ah tracey you poor thing,

i know weddings arent the easiest of things to sort out when every one is speaking, let alone when there is a family split, dont let it spoil your day if his dad cant make it, after all the day is just about u and John.

hope things smoothe over abit b4 then xxx

kairen x

11-04-05, 21:11
hi Tracy,

What a horrid day you've had!! Hopefully you'll be able to talk his Dad around. Like you say, it's not nice not going to your son's wedding so hopefully he will realise that. Let's hope that everyone can forget their differences and concentrate on making your day as special as possible. I really hope it all works out!!

Sarah :D

11-04-05, 21:17
Hi Tracey

What a nitemare. Weddings are stressful enough without all the other stuff. Has John talked to his dad and find out why??Am not sure what sort of relationship they have. At the end of the day its as Kairen has said, it is yours and Johns day. If the people who are supposed to love and care for us can't be bothered then it is them who are losing out. You want to share your special day with them and if they can't do it out of love and respect for you and to want to be with you then blow them. I know it is difficult when it is close friends and family but at them end of the day as long as the people that really matter are there i.e you. John and child(ren) then does it really matter?? ( makes you wonder why you dont just go abroad and do it on a tropical island somewhere all the stress that goes with it dooesnt it) Pmt really doesnt help either it always makes things seem so much worse.

Anyway congratulations to you both. When is the happy day. Just remember to not worry who cares about anyone else, stuff them. Its about you and John and as long as you both turn up on time say what you have to say and are happy then thats what its all about. The rest is superficial. I think we worry to much about other people, I know that I did. I worried about people who didnt eat chicken, kids meals and vegetarians. It got so out of hand i wish I hadnt asked. Still it all went wonderfully in the end and I married my soul mate and thats what its all about.

Good luck and take care(sorry to ramble)


11-04-05, 21:35
Hi Tracy

This isnt easy for you, and i know how weddings can cause so much pain. Think we have all come against this but in different ways. This must be so hard for you both and hurtful.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

12-04-05, 09:39
Feel really low today :(

Henri - tried all the relaxing things last night and still couldn't sleep just had everything churning round in my head.

Kairen - John said exactly same thing last night, this is about us and our day. I'm trying to think positively about it but can't.

Sarah - I only get to speak to his dad once more before wedding and thats next weekend but i don't think anything i say will work.

Jan - John and his dad have always got on when they've seen each other. He only found his dad again last year after about 6 years of having no contact. The problem is mainly his step mum for some reason she hates John's dad having any contact with his REAL family and she doesn't like either me or John so John's step sister has said. It's all so b@*!~y frustrating. We get married on 28th May which is about six weeks away.

Sal - Very hurtful, I seem to be finding it harder to deal with than John really. Again last night he said he wasn't bothered. I know his dad has let him down before in the past, maybe he's just used to it all.

Thank you all for listening. Wish i could snap out of it today but feeling really sad.
