View Full Version : not convinced

30-05-08, 12:13
Lately my anxiety has returned alot, i get racing heart/ectopics/feel like im being choked/feel generally unwell/my mind is slipping away/like im gonna faint etc etc etc

Had blood tests done last week and results to all say 'all clear.'

I do have health anxiety but im in that place again where i cannot possibly believe that all the symptoms are down to anxiety!
I hate to feel these things and just long to feel normal...i wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy!

Char xxx

30-05-08, 22:56
Hi Char

Just to say i know how u feel. my anxiety is back with a vengence and im having trouble beliveing that all my symptoms are anxiety related.

love mandie x

30-05-08, 23:14
Sounds very familiar!
I too know how this feels, its awful but hang in there, at the moment i feel like i am traped in my own body!! but i hold on to the fact that it will get better!!

Cathy xxx

31-05-08, 21:31
OMG i have had that too when i felt at my lowest place - that i was trapped inside my own body and although there is no way on this earth id ever have the guts to kill myself, cant say i havnt thought it wouldnt be easier than feeling like this all the time!

I feel or experience a new symptom almost everyday,which starts the cycle off again - its really not nice!

Char xxx and thanks for reassurance

01-06-08, 07:06

I find it hard to believe that anxiety can make you feel so ill, i have had these horrible feelings on and off for 8 years now, so i try telling myself it cant be anything else as i would of gotten worse. But then the symptoms come back which seem to be all the time at the moment and i am back to square one.
Like you i would not wish it on anyone, the only wish i have is that it will go away so i can lead a normal life.
Take care