View Full Version : No reason Anxiety

30-05-08, 17:49
Does anyone else suffer from anxiety/nervousness with no apparent reason ?
It seems to me that most people get anxious for a reason such as , work,dentist,doctors, medical tests etc. but I honestly can't find a reason for my anxiety.
Is there anybody else the same ?
Maybe I'm anxious about being anxious if you see what I mean.


30-05-08, 18:29
Does anyone else suffer from anxiety/nervousness with no apparent reason ?
It seems to me that most people get anxious for a reason such as , work,dentist,doctors, medical tests etc. but I honestly can't find a reason for my anxiety.
Is there anybody else the same ?
Maybe I'm anxious about being anxious if you see what I mean.


I know exactly what you mean Decca! When I feel the anxiety I start to worry that it's returned and it becomes a vicious circle of worry/anxiety. The idea is not to fight it but to go with it telling yourself that it's not important etc. The more you fight it the worse it becomes!!!

30-05-08, 19:31
This is quite common actually, but there is a reason you just are not aware of it. The way we process things are what cause our anxiety and that's why two people can have the same experience and one is happy about it and the other is freaked out by it. Join a cbt group or read a cbt book like the one by Sam Obitz (we used this on to start my group) and start countering your thoughts in a TEA form and you will soon start to feel better if you work on them every day. Many thoughts we have that cause anxiety are automatic one we formed when we were young that we are not necessarily conscious of and once we identify them, identify the common errors of thought we are making that cause the anxiety and then replace the process with a more realistic thought the anxiety begins to dissipate. Take care and I hope you get a handle on your anxiety soon:D

30-05-08, 20:38
Thanks caz & jrank,
I think it is something to do with the fear of anxiety returning and a sense of disappointment when it does, so we're constantly in fear of it.

I've had CBT and my therapist thought that my anxiety was something to do with my Father colapsing and dying in front of me with a heart attack when I was 21, I'm 61 now and have developed heart disease myself so my subconsious has linked the two together. But I'm not convinced that's what it is as I don't feel worried about it because of the advances in technology and the meds I'm on .
I can't anything about a TEA form though , unless my therapist was making notes, is that the same ?


19-08-08, 17:02
Decca sorry to hear about all you have been through. The TEA form is a thought countering exercise that you do in between sessions in CBT. They work really well if you use them daily and eventually help you react that way naturally and help keeps your anxieties under control.

19-08-08, 19:28
Hi! I just wanted to say that I seem to be experiencing a similar thing recently. Although at times my emetophobia and health anxiety hit me harder than others, it's more this constant worry of worrying about throwing up or my health in general that seems to make me the most anxious--when I think of throwing up, I accept the fact that I will be okay after and it doesn't seem to bother me. It's almost as if my mind is programmed to second guess every little thing that could make me sick, that I'm no longer as worried about being sick, but rather I'm worried about being worried about being sick, because I never want to be where I was a year ago when my emetophobia was at it worst.

That probably made no sense whatsoever.

Venus Calling
19-08-08, 20:37
I also think being a woman of a 'certain age' can cause this too. I have found out with no help from my doctor that I am now perimenopausal as I couldn't believe my anxiety and PA's came from just nowhere (which they did!) - there had to be a reason. Now I know I have calmed down a lot - still don't feel like myself though which is the bit I hate but I've accepted why certain things have been happening to me and that I have not gone crazy.

19-08-08, 22:41
Angoisse, That makes perfect sense and I am glad you are having some success:) The more you counter your thoughts in a TEA form the more you empowr yourself to live in the present and keep your worries away or at least from getting the best of you. Keep up the good work!

19-08-08, 23:44
All by own problems as far as I can see have no basis of reason. They seem to have just snowballed. I think it's quite common. There may be something at the root we have missed but it's probably not significant if we've missed it.

All the best


20-08-08, 10:01
nobody especially mme cannot find a reason for mne then i went to a adult mental health team and they r blaming my son as he has adhd but that upset me and no i dont feel it is my son as i get it on a good dayor a bad day would love to find out what is causing them though as i am sure the rest of u would

20-08-08, 14:49
I also think being a woman of a 'certain age' can cause this too. I have found out with no help from my doctor that I am now perimenopausal as I couldn't believe my anxiety and PA's came from just nowhere (which they did!) - there had to be a reason. Now I know I have calmed down a lot - still don't feel like myself though which is the bit I hate but I've accepted why certain things have been happening to me and that I have not gone crazy.

Glad you've posted this! My doctor's partner (they share surgery time) sent me for a Hormone test which proved I was perimenopausal and he thinks it could well have a lot to do with my depression/anxiety. However my own doctor doesn't accept that at all!! But the more I think about it and hear other peoples experiences I'm quite sure that there's at least a link.

20-08-08, 14:57
Hi..I totally undertand the feeling of having anxiety for no apparent reason . eg dentists etc....I even have it while sitting at home somedays.

I do believe I have a fear of anxiety so any small sensation I get I must associate with anxiety and it escalates.
My counsellor says it is a learnt behaviour and I have (unknowingly) over the years learnt 2 panic at every sensation I have even small 1s That I might not even know Im having and I have 2 change my thoughts ..thats why Im having CBT.
I have 2 put myself in 2 small situations that mak me anxious and sit it out till anxiety reduces 2 teach me that I will be ok and Its nothing 2 fear.

Titch xxx

29-08-08, 17:45
Hi..I totally undertand the feeling of having anxiety for no apparent reason . eg dentists etc....I even have it while sitting at home somedays.

I do believe I have a fear of anxiety so any small sensation I get I must associate with anxiety and it escalates.
My counsellor says it is a learnt behaviour and I have (unknowingly) over the years learnt 2 panic at every sensation I have even small 1s That I might not even know Im having and I have 2 change my thoughts ..thats why Im having CBT.
I have 2 put myself in 2 small situations that mak me anxious and sit it out till anxiety reduces 2 teach me that I will be ok and Its nothing 2 fear.

Titch xxx

Good for you:yesyes: CBT is great stuff and what helped me. Don't forget to counter your thoughts that cause the anxiety in a TEA form everyday as well as focusing on your exposure exercises. Together those exercises will retrain your brain and eliminate future bouts of anxiety over time:)

29-08-08, 18:51
I can feel anxiety for no apparent reason at all. I get hot all over and have trouble breathing (asthma). I even feel little electrical shocks going through my body at times. Anyone else experience this?

29-08-08, 18:58
yes i can get anxiety for no apparent reason. i can be fine one minute and the next minute its there. the thing is not to worry about it and it will pass. the more we worry about it the worse it gets

29-08-08, 19:22
Yes, for no reason at all sometimes.

02-09-08, 17:57
Just like we breath without thinking, we get anxiety for no apparent reason, but there are subconscious thoughts and processes that occur automatically that cause us to breath and cause anxiety and once you can get to those thoughts and counter them the anxiety will begin to diminish.

19-09-08, 22:25
Hi Sheryl:flowers: I see you are on-line and just thought I'd say hi and ask how you are doing? I hope you are well.