View Full Version : Coming off Sertraline

31-05-08, 00:32
I have a question And I can't really find the answer. Can we survive anxiety and enjoy good quality life without taking drugs?
I've been on Clonazepam and Sertraline since 2002, I've came off clonazepam last summer and since then resisted the temptation to go on it again. Everytime I suffered a relapse my doctor would say to go back on Clonazepam again. She never congratulated me for coming off the damn drug which haves so many side effects and it is highly addictive. Every now and again if I would call her saying I'm not feeling well she would say to start taking it again and increase the doze on Serlift. Thank God I have my husband's support; he's opinion was always the same: I can live without the drugs.
I am in the process of quiting Sertraline now. Don't ask me why. I don't know why. Probably because I think it makes me unhappy knowing that I have to take these pills every day for the rest of my life. Because I can't remember how it feels to be normal, I don't even know anymore what symptoms are from anxiety and depression because of the anxiety, what is just because I'm having a bad day or what is because of the side effects of the pills. This is one of my biggest concerns actually. I don't know what symptoms/feelings are normal and which are not. I don't know anymore...
We will try for a baby next year, as I said in a different post, I want to be cleared of all the chemicals in body before that. I don't even know if it is ok to take this medicine while pregnant.
Anyway, I am on a 50mg dose; I used to last year on this time I was on 150mg. 3 years ago in May I was on 200mg (biggest dose I ever took).
I've recently suffered some relapses, they scared me but I've managed not to increase my intake.
I ask you: How's life with anxiety without the pills?

God bless you all!

Best wishes,

Hope 2
31-05-08, 23:37
Hi Sheba :flowers:

I can only speak of my own experience. Since Jan this year I have reduced the dose of citalopram I take. Like you I didn't know what was real anymore in how I felt. I have been on and off (on mainly) 3 diff anti d's in the past 7 yrs. Currently I take a fairly low dose of citalopram, I feel in control of my anxiety, and I feel pretty good in general. My main concern is plz don't reduce yours too quickly cos my head crashed when I did that :ohmy: xx. I will congratulate you as quitting anything addictive deserves a pat on the back :yesyes: .

Hope xx