View Full Version : panic attacks

31-05-08, 01:36
hi everyone ,hope your all feeling ok. just wanted to ask about something l read online. ADRENOLINE. is why we get axiety and panic attacks.to much of it in our bodys.. is this true?? hope you all have a good weekend xx god bless goodnight

31-05-08, 08:32
Hi Midlandlady
All the books and sites that ive been on say that yes too much adrenaline can cause anxiety and panic attacks, i can feel it in my stomach when im anx
hope this tiny bit of info helps you

31-05-08, 08:44
adrenaline is pumped to your muscles when your brain puts you in 'fight or flight mode', also noradrenaline. That is why we get tight chests, shoulders etc: it stops pumping so much blood to the stomache and other places that are not helpful when we feal fear.
Incorrect breathing triggers the brain to think we need to either run or fight for our lives (a very primitive reaction) hardly needed now. Athletes use it to their advantage.
After a panic attack you are left with adrenalines still in your body. The best way to deal with this, is to burn it off, try running up and down stairs or some kind of excercise. Then something a little bit seet is good for you (that's the only time it is) and keep warm.
Beta blockers ie: inderal LA is often prescribed to help people who suffer this with severity. These stop the surges of the adrenaline. I hope this helps

01-06-08, 01:36
thankyou.. think l,ll miss the stairs work out ..might bring on a heart attack at my age ha... will walk the faithfull hound..take care xxx

01-06-08, 01:39
hi thanks... hope your doing ok.. l seem to cope better while having a panic attack,when l tell myself its just to much adrenoline in the body, rather than thinking l,m losing it and going bonkers , .... xx bless