View Full Version : faith and stuff

31-05-08, 02:46
Has anyone else on here felt like they have needed to look a little harder at thier lives as a result of a panic attack?By that i mean we know we can do things that help us ,eating properly,medication exercise etc and im sure we have all introduced changes in our lifestlye as a result of having attacks.
Anyone get all religious because of the attacks? When i had my first one i honestly thought i was dying and the experience has pushed me towards thinking about what comes next.Has faith helped anyone here?

31-05-08, 04:50
Hi dabbler

I thought long & hard about answering your question. Then I thought.....well hey ho, lol.

I was brought up Christian, but have struggled with my faith for a few years now as things got worse for me. I suppose God could be a comfort if you've never been a believer b4, but I find no comfort at all. I am always at logger-heads with Him:ohmy: :ohmy: quoting the Bible & telling Him what He should do and shouldn't do:ohmy: :ohmy:

Now you know why I had to think about replying,lol:blush: :blush:

It's a very long story that I wouldn't go into on this site.:scared15: :noangel: :noangel:

They say that praying helps to 'quiet' the mind, try it, if you're sincere then it will help you I'm sure.

Take care



31-05-08, 09:07
I remember my last panic attack, I was in bed, about to fall asleep and it started. I remembered thinking that I was falling into that terrible black hole of total panic. Then I remembered what Jesus said "whever you go I am also" so I thought what the heck, if You are there then it's OK.
The panic went at once.
For non Christians, doesn't the same principle apply, I found a reason not to be afraid of the fear. When we can do that, it's amazing how fear gets bored and soon leaves us.

31-05-08, 10:05
Wasnt going to tell anyone this but ... well, anyway. I walked up to my church the other day to see if i could go inside and have some quiet time & maybe it might help me, (havent been for years :blush: ) bring me some comfort in some way, walked up in a terrible storm, got absolutely soaked and guess what the church was locked!!! I was desperate by then, and asked for help praying to a cross in the church yard, i think it might have brought me some peace im not sure? Things have improved slightly recently, so i dont know.... im waffling now.....i think if people already have faith it must be a great comfort to them, im confused by it all, but i think there must be more, that helps me anyway :)

31-05-08, 11:57

As a Christian I do believe that God is with me during my times of panic but like many I did question why has God not cured me. There is no easy answer to this but I do know that God has brought me forward a long way and I honestly believe that God will bring His love into each persons life that calls on Him. Saint Paul in the Bible called out many times for God to take a way the thorn in his side(we have no idea what this thorn was, it could have been panic attacks for all we know) but God never did, yet Paul kept on believing because he saw that God's grace was enough for him.

I believe that if everyone on this site read their Bible went to church and spent the next 28days in prayer, they would notice a difference in their lives. Even if you cant go to church, spend time with God telling Him how you feel and I know He will hear you.
This all comes down to trust and faith.

Our first reason maybe to come to God because we need help but through time we come to see that we really need His love.

If anyone wants prayer support just email me or pm and I will have my own church pray for you over the next 28days.

31-05-08, 12:16
i think with out faith we are nothing. i know faith helps and praying

31-05-08, 14:04
When I first started having panic attacks when I was 12. My religion was the only thing that got me through. But then again, even though I have never talked about this, but my biggest fear was being possessed. I guess its because I have always been I believer.
But now my fear is about control. I suppose its the same in a way.
If I could get to church and talk to my priest more often I would probably feel more secure.