View Full Version : caffeine & sugar

31-05-08, 11:59
When i first started off with panic attacks i read up about them loads and what could help trigger the "adrenaline rush" caffeine and sugar. A couple of months ago i really changed my diet because due to my depression i was comfort eating loads which mainly included coffee and chocolate!! So ive completely cut out caffeine and really limited my sugar intake and theres been a big difference in my attacks i still get them but their no way near as bad as they used to be their so much more easier to deal with has anyone else tried this ? If you havent id really recommend it its not a cure but i have found it really helps :)

31-05-08, 12:03
I'm exactly the same. I stopped drinking tea & coffee and anything with Caffeine in over a month ago. The most sweets i'll have now is 2 or 3 from a packet and no more otherwise I start feeling hyper. I've noticed a difference too.



31-05-08, 15:51
I to done this when i read about it, i cut out caffie but not so much the shuger, i drunk fruit teas, and decafe everthing, i did really miss the can of coke lol, but i did feel so much better and still do. i think cutting out caffenine is really good i have done it for 3 years now, may be a bit more and i noticed a grat difference as well

Amanda (((((all)))))

02-06-08, 00:43
Caffiene is a major trigger for me. The only problem is I have a cold right now so I just took whatever I could find in my mates drawer, which was some cold/flu tablets. Just took them and wondered why I feel really wirey right now and very anxious! Turns out they have caffeine in! Am very jittery right now which isn't good because its late and I need to get up for Uni in the morning!

02-06-08, 15:49
Hi i cut out the caffeine and now use decaf coffee and tea, and it is rather nice too.

I feel so much better and i am also eating more fruit and veg.

Mandy xx:yesyes:

02-06-08, 18:17
Caffine does me no good either - if I'm on a good day I can drink it - otherwise I leave well alone!

02-06-08, 20:41
I limit regular coffee tothe mornings as it affects my sleep if I drink it after midday. However if I have more than three cups I do start to feel panicky and twitchy so I agree that it can be a trigger or contributing factor for me, if I don't watch my intake.

Stefan P
03-06-08, 15:22
I totally agree, I cut out caffeine a week ago and dizzy spells I would start getting after several cups in the morning have just vanished. I even tested it out by having a strong cup of coffee on Sunday to see if the two things were connected, and I felt totally wired (very woozy and dizzy) soon afterwards. I hate it though ... coffee is (was!) my favourite thing to drink during the day, and I would have loads of it!

03-06-08, 17:25
Yep same here. I cut out caffeine and found it helped considerably. I have now introduced some slowly ie I only drink organic green tea and NO coffee, very limited coca cola etc.

I also really need to cut out sugar but it is difficult. I saw a nutritionist once who explained it really well. The rush causes an imbalance of insulin which has a massive impact on hormones (including stress hormones).

07-06-08, 22:43
Hi there, new to the site tonight! I had my first panic attack - well series of panic attacks about 5 weeks ago now. I had a fair amount of stress going on but never imagined my body would respond in such a way - I am usually confident and chirpy. Anyway - my point about the caffeine is that the day I had the attacks (and commenced my accute anxiety period) - I had taken 2 diet pills that contained caffeine, green tea and guarana, lots of stimulants that I am not used to (I rarely, if ever have caffeine). Doctor said this was more than likely the trigger so beware of some of the over the counter diet fixes! Mine went straight in the bin and I have now had to replace them with citalipram daily!

08-06-08, 12:59
i only drink water now and try not to eat many sweets as i agree caffine is a trigger...too much sugar makes me come out in hives.

08-06-08, 16:41
I cut out caffeine completely 5 months ago when my panic/anx was horrendous, dont know if it worked as i was so ill at the time i can hardly remember it, but im not tempting fate by starting up on it again to see. Personally i think it can have only helped. Sugar ive found much harder as i simply crave it constantly since the anx started, but am going to try and be really strict with myself and at least reduce it, to see if this helps too. x