View Full Version : Prodding and poking again---arrrrrr!!!!!!!

31-05-08, 18:50
Well, I have had a good few weeks really----bought a fantastic book on HA and tried out some of the ideas in there---which, without a doubt have helped to a degree!!
But today, cos I am tired as we have had a very stressful week(OH nephew died suddenly plus my son is buying his first house and getting me all involved as 22 year olds do!!!)I have started poking and prodding my groin again.
I posted a while back about finding a grissly bump at one side----which i had to poke very very hard to find and when i pushed it it disappeared so it wasnt hard---I have been to the doc and he says it is fine and nothing to worry about!!!!
But this week i have poked and prodded it in bed and today it is really hurting when i move in certain ways!!!Yes, self inflicted i know.
Can anyone reassure me that this is normal to have grissly bits in the groin?? I dont know why, yet again i dont believe the doc(hey plus i had a blood test back in December due to feeling the swelling on my neck) so i know it would have shown up then if anything sinister!!!! I am determined to start making myself feel rubbish again!!!! Hoping it is down to a very very stressful and sad week---especially for my dear sister in law who has lost a son xxxx

31-05-08, 20:50
What is the fantastic book?? I need it!

P.s yes, I think grissly bits in groin are normal, I can't think of anything sinister they could be, anyway (believe your doc). prodding and poking is the bain of my life too.... it is truly amazing the things you can find when you put your mind to it. I want to start looking for grissly bits on my groin, now that you've mentioned them...... but I am managing to stop myself, for the moment! xx

01-06-08, 16:14
God you have alot going on don't you hun?

I have been checking again also, my legs all the time for blood clots.

What are we like jellybean??!!!!

Big cuddles to you


01-06-08, 16:29

So sorry to hear about the loss of your nephew!! :hugs:Your in a stressfull situation at the moment, so of course it's going to come out in your anxiety (health anxiety)

Remember you just had a good couple of weeks, no illness or checking! what your are going through just now is pure anxiety hun and nothing more.


your fine hun!!

Loads of love



01-06-08, 19:35
Hi Jelly,

You know what i think about this .......you are looking for things again! You are suffering high levels of stress at the moment (:hugs: ) and its a classic with HA to go looking for something to worry about at these times.
You know you are fine, you have answered those questions for yourself. Its a bump, not a lump.....you have to go searching.....you've made it sore..........you've had it checked anyway.
Hang on in there, keep busy and distract yourself. If you leave it a week i bet you it will stop being sore and you'll wonder why you ever worried because you struggle to find it:)

:hugs: :hugs:

love anx x

01-06-08, 20:32
Awww thanks everyone for your kind replies. Hope you are all ok and hope all is good with you anxious and your daughter.
Bottleblond---havent seen you on in a while---hope all is well!!!
I have actually not poked today so that is a huge achievement. I have actually had days when i have felt normal again---how good is that??
Anyhow, catch up very soon and thanks again everyone xxxx