View Full Version : Had to take xanax today

01-06-08, 03:19
I am not sure why, but this last week has been really hard for me. I have been very worried about my ovarian cyst and how it could be cancer. Even though the doctor told me it is just a normal cyst, I still had horrible thoughts. Then I had the worst panic attack in my life a week ago and I have been feeling awful ever since. I have had thoughts of having MS because my arms have been feeling heavy and tingly. I have been searching the web looking up MS and just making all of my symptoms even worse. I can not drive my car or even go into stores because I am worried that I will have another panic attack.

SO - I took 0.5 mg of xanax this afternoon that my doctor gave me a year ago. I never used it because my anxiety never lasted really more than a day. Let's just say within the hour I felt so much better. My tingly arms went away, my nausea went away and I was able to go out to eat with my family and have worries of a panic attack coming on. I did feel very tired and had to take an hour nap before we went out, and I still felt a bit groggy at dinner - but I will take that any day over what I have been feeling this week. Has anyone ever taken this at night and have it last throughout the day? I really do not like feeling tired.

01-06-08, 08:38
:) The problem with taking medication like this is it has withdrawl effects & although one dose obviously calmed you down the problem is still there.. Did you get a second opinion about your cyst ?? If xanax makes you sleepy it's probably better to take it at night.. Try reading feeling good by david burns he teaches you to use cognitive behavioural therapy; someone else on this site recommended it to me and it's fantastic.. Juanna

05-06-08, 10:59
Hi butterflygirl..Hope things are good for you.I started using xanax three years ago....it was fantastic....I felt normal and could do most things.But now i have to take more to get the same calm feeling.Also the symtoms that i was taking them for in the first place are much worse.Please be careful with these as they are so so easy to get used to.When i first started taking them i would feel a bit tired the morning after..but that didnt last long as i got more used to them.I think they say you shouldnt use xanax for more than four to six weeks...I hope things work out for you..Take care

05-06-08, 11:03
Don't look on it as a failure that you took one tablet. Many people take them occasionally - it just becomes a problem if you're taking them all the time. If the odd dose helps out, don't be afraid of it. Not having taken it for the year since it was prescribed is an achievement in itself. I occasionally take one or a valium if things get on top of me.:hugs:

05-06-08, 19:38
Thank you all for the well wishes. I am doing sooooooooo much better. It seems that all of my problems - panic attacks non-stop day and night, feeling jittery, nauseous, stomach pains, joint pain, tingling, being very tired and even a rash was due to an allergic reaction to Levaquin I took TWO WEEKS AGO!!! The symptoms started 3 days after my 6 day dosage. The doctor gave me 10 pills, 500mg each to take for a sinus infection, but I am glad I stopped at six. When I saw the nurse practitioner at the office on Tuesday she was a bit shocked that the doctor gave me so much of a very strong anti-biotic. I knew something very strange was going on with me and it happened all of a sudden. I am now very happy to report I am back to my ole cheerful self, and all symptoms are gone. The medicine did take a good week and a half to get out of my system.

06-06-08, 01:00
Delighted to hear that.Good to hear..

06-06-08, 03:51
Butterflygirl, I also have a prescription for half millgram Xanax tablets. Sometimes a whole tablet is the right amount for me, but at other times it is too much. I have gotten somewhat better about assessing my anxiety level, and often will use a pill splitter to cut a tablet in half and take a quarter milligram first. If that is enough, then great. But if an hour or so later I still feel anxiety level is too high, I can always take the other half of the tablet.

Unfortunately, while Xanax calms me down, it does not put me to sleep. There are nights I could use a sleep aid, but of course have to be careful about what I take when I've had Xanax that day. I find that when I have taken Xanax at some point during the day, a cup of chamomile tea will usually help me nod off at night.