View Full Version : alarmed by what I found on website- heart palps

01-06-08, 03:48
This is what I found. Notice the one in RED.
When to Call a Health Professional
· Call 911 or other emergency services immediately if symptoms of a heart attack are present (See Chest Pain (http://www.familyhealthhandbook.com/Chest_and_Respiratory_Problems/chestpain.htm)).
· If heart palpitations occur with any of the following symptoms:
· Weakness or fatigue.
· Lightheadedness (feeling like you might pass out).
· Confusion.
· Feeling as if something bad is going to happen.If it seems as if your heart beats irregularly all the time.
· If heart palpitations are new or different than before and are not relieved by Home Treatment.
Isnt a "feeling as if something bad is going to happen" part of anxiety and Panic etc.... Since when is that part a reason to call your doctor?

01-06-08, 06:30
If that was the case the ambulance service would be very busy indeed.:ohmy:

01-06-08, 12:45
I think we should be very careful about these websites, although a lot of them are reassurring, some can tip people over the edge making people more frightended. I read in the paper the other day that the advert for chest pains the one with the guy with I think its a belt around his chest is being withdrawn due to the increasing cases of anxiety presenting at casualty units. People are literally terrfied.

Anxiety is horrible people should be reassured not made worse.

Love to all


01-06-08, 14:06
I think we should be very careful about these websites, although a lot of them are reassurring, some can tip people over the edge making people more frightended. I read in the paper the other day that the advert for chest pains the one with the guy with I think its a belt around his chest is being withdrawn due to the increasing cases of anxiety presenting at casualty units. People are literally terrfied.

Anxiety is horrible people should be reassured not made worse.

Love to all


I have that advert stuck to the side of my fridge. My family are so laid back when it comes to illnesses that I want them to be aware of what they should do if I am having a heart attack. I come from a family (both parents sides) that have either had a heart attack or a stroke.

And although I never focus on it I want my two children to know what to do in a case of an emergency. Their father had a heart attack in his forties and unfortunately died.

01-06-08, 18:11
Hi there, I lived with a severe irregular heartbeat for several months in 2006. It was so bad that my heart beat irregularly ALL day. and not just missed beats, but a TERRIFYING racing that felt like a continuous fluttering. It was diagnosed as something called Superventricular-tachycardia which CAN be down to a severe heart problem but turned out to be down to anxiety. How wicked can anxiety be that it cleverly does a damn near perfect impersonation of something more sinister.

Anyway the point is, it went when my anxiety did and googling certainly didn't help- if anything it made the symptoms worse. I still get the odd flutter but when I do I just smile and say to myself "There goes my heart, having one of it's little sneezing fits!" which is what I believe Meg describes them as.

Some of these health sites should bear warnings.

Siobhan x

01-06-08, 18:18
:ohmy: oh please dont google it always gives u worst poss scenario and makes u think alsorts :hugs: xxx

01-06-08, 20:44
These websites have alot to answer for huh. Plus we always read the bad stuff (not the rational stuff)
As has been said before anxiety mimics all these other conditions that we scared about and makes us feel pretty rotten at times.

Stay positive, don't google, keep coming on here to chat and share


02-06-08, 16:56
This is what I found. Notice the one in RED.
When to Call a Health Professional
· Call 911 or other emergency services immediately if symptoms of a heart attack are present (See Chest Pain (http://www.familyhealthhandbook.com/Chest_and_Respiratory_Problems/chestpain.htm)).
· If heart palpitations occur with any of the following symptoms:
· Weakness or fatigue.
· Lightheadedness (feeling like you might pass out).
· Confusion.
· Feeling as if something bad is going to happen.If it seems as if your heart beats irregularly all the time.
· If heart palpitations are new or different than before and are not relieved by Home Treatment.
Isnt a "feeling as if something bad is going to happen" part of anxiety and Panic etc.... Since when is that part a reason to call your doctor?

You've got to remember that you've got anxiety, and anxiety makes you feel as if something bad is going to happen.. As does it give you palpitations, lightheadedness and your heart may beat irregular.

I know when I first started getting anxious, I worried about my heart ALL the time. And I started to notice that everytime I was anxious that my heart responded the same, palpitations, irregular heart beat and such. And so that didn't become an issue.

One thing that gets me through alot when trying to calm myself down is telling myself that out of all the times i've thought something's going to happen, it never ever ever has. So why this time?

I've had anxiety now for 5 years, and all I tell myself is that if out of the whole 5 years nothing has happened then nothing will happen now.

Another thing that may help.. I didn't notice this until last night when someone pointed it out, I made a post last night about what I was anxious about, and while I was freaking out, I was replying to other people's posts telling them it was just anxiety, and they were fine. Try looking at your post from someone elses point of view? Or like the post was someone elses? It's ALOT easier to tell other people it's just anxiety than to except it for yourself.

I know I've gone on forever, but I find these things really do help me. Just try them? You'll find that your heart will start to feel normal as you calm down.
Emz xx