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01-06-08, 11:05
hi im an 18 yr old female and I've had a fear of being sick for pretty much my whole life. I'm worried that its leading to an eating disorder as I haven't eaten properly for a month following a sickness bug as I'm scared itll make me sick again. I'm on omeprazole (I think!) which is helping but I feel like my appetite will never come back!! I was diagnosed with IBS at 14 which could account for my constant nausea but i cnt help worrying that i have something really serious! Any suggestions would be really helpful as I'm starting to miss having a normal life and I need to get on with my A levels but can't concentrate on anything other than feeling sick!

Thank youuu

01-06-08, 11:55
hi jasmine and welcome, you will gets lots of advice and support here and meet new friends too. hugs xxxxxx

01-06-08, 11:57
Hi Jasmine,
You have a well documented phobia which is horrible. I had the same thing when I was younger. IBS is common in aniety sufferers and if there was anything seriously wrong with you, it is easy to tell by the medical profession.
Anxiety is a vicious circle, the more you worry about something, the worse it seems to be and then we worry even more.
I would talk to my GP about getting some therapy for you phobia, I would think CBT would be good for you. Even a good counsellor should be able to help.
MIND (a charitable org.) would be able to help you, I'm fairly sure of that. They have been a huge help to me.
I had to learn that vomitting was not as bad for me as all the worrying about it. As soon as I learned that, I lost the fear and never vomit unless it's a normal reaction to something.
I hope you can get help soon and get on with your exams and your life without this fear.

01-06-08, 12:32
Hi Jasmin

Welcome to NMP :)

I have IBS too and it can play havoc can't it. I also have gluten intolerance and I remember with that I ended up scared to eat as I was worried about food making me ill.

How about trying to eat little and often rather than big meals hun?

Emily Jane's suggestion about seeing your GP about being referred to a therapist is a good idea. You'll get lots of advice and support on here hun so keep posting :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

01-06-08, 17:55
Hi there and welcome. Many of us suffer from IBS and the symtoms you suffer from are part and parcel of IBS. Please don't go down the road of an eating disorder. Been there and got the T-shirt and it's a very difficult ride to get off of once you're on. You'll find a lot of support here,

Siobhan x

01-06-08, 18:32
Hello,and welcome i'm a newbie too, I have lost a ton of weight not from choice but from lack of hunger, family and friends think i have an eating disorder but because of the pain you feel to sick to eat most of the time and i get full up to quickly but then i have some days when i will eat all day long, If you find you are not eating much try and stay healthy drink plenty of water and try to eat a little fruit and veg but try eating a little sugar to for energy. its better than nothing and giving you vitamin and minerals. Nat x

milly jones
01-06-08, 18:54
hi hun,

sorry i dont suffer ibs or eating disorder, but im here if i can ever help

welcome to nmp


01-06-08, 19:31
thank you all so much! I've just had a busy day at work which helps take my mind off it all! Its so nice to know I'm not alone and I'm not going crazy! And thanks nat, I'll make sure to buy some energy drinks! Its so hard to force yourself to eat when you have no appetite, my current GP has prescribed my with omeprazole which is helping, but my old GP gave my something called cyclizine which I had THE WORST reaction to and ended up in a&e cos I thought I was dying!! So I'm not so keen on trying new medicine! Id love to have therapy but its hard cos all my family think I'm just making a fuss over nothing and that its all in my head! Has anyone got any tips on how to stop yourself paniking or how to settle your stomach?

I feel calmer just knowing i can talk to people who won't think I'm crazy!

Jazz <3

01-06-08, 20:44
Hi and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

01-06-08, 21:02
Hiya :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. keep posting with what ever is on your mind and hope fully soon we can chat in the chat room.

take care.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


02-06-08, 01:11
Hello Jasmine And Welcome..........linda

02-06-08, 07:05
Hi Jasmin,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,