View Full Version : dizzy

01-06-08, 11:22
I woke up this morning feeling all lightheaded & dizzy. My chest & tummy hurt too. I a, recovering from gastric flu so I know this is probably what it is down to. But cos I have a heart condition I keep thinking its 'cos of that. But I can't keep ending up in a&e cos thats what always happens & everytime I am ok. I called my Mum who calmed me down but I am scared I am going to faint or something & my boyf won't believe its serious & thats its another panic attack & won't get help in time. I have just done my relaxation tape which has helped a little but I still have the woozy feeling but my chest doesn't hurt anymore. I dunno what to do. :(

01-06-08, 11:46
Hi Dizzy,
I think many panic sufferers have thought many times that the tight feelings in the chest are heart attacks about to happen. It must be doubly frightening if you have a heart condition. Have you got your breathing techniques well practised? I practise mine when I am relaxed and then use them when I feel anxious or if a panic attack feels as if it comes from nowhere.
Having a boyfriend who is not sympathetic and doesn't understand how you feel must be so upsetting too. I think if I were you I would write to the British Heart foundation and ask how you can tell the difference between your heart condition and a panic attack. Also, have a long chat with your GP and explain your concerns. I think you need some reassurance. I have been told that no one has ever died from a panic attack. Let's keep it that way.
I hope you get some better support and answers to your fears.

01-06-08, 11:50
Hi EmilyJane.

Thanks for your reply, yes I know my breathing techniques but when I feel like this it tends to go out of the window. I have been seeing a lady who works with people with heart conditions & panic attacks which has helped but she is leaving now & feel like am on own again. I am off for my normal check up at docs on tues but I know when I tell them what I feel like they will just say, its anxiety. But I always feel deep down that they is something they have missed. I know I need to trust them.

01-06-08, 12:30
Hi Janey

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

01-06-08, 20:43
Hi and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

01-06-08, 20:59
Hiya Janey :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. keep posting with what ever is on your mind and hope fully soon we can chat in the chat room.

take care.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


02-06-08, 01:15
Hello Janey And Welcome....wish Ya Well.......linda

02-06-08, 09:17
thank you for all your lovely welcome messages. :)