View Full Version : Terrible Driving Anxiety - Please Help!!

01-06-08, 13:16
Hi everyone,

I started getting panic/anxiety 9 years ago. The first time I took a panic attack when driving was on the motorway - it was very scary - but I was still able to drive without too much bother (except on motorways where I would get a lot of anxiety).

Over time I have found that the driving anxiety has got gradually stronger. It has gone through different stages - from the first attack on the motorway to a fear of lorries being behind me (which started 6 years ago). Over the last 9 months this has progressed to constant panic attacks & anxiety when anything is behind me - on 'main' roads. This feels like I'm in a scene from a nightmare where someone is trying to run over me. It's that scary :weep: If anything is behind me I have to pull over (if there is anywhere that I can). I need to feel that I can escape from the situation immediately - I am so scared of anywhere that there is no hard shoulder that I avoid it. I would also have fears of 'losing control'. The busier the road gets the more anxious I become. The main symptoms that I have are depersonalisation/derealisation & dizziness - feeling that I'm going to pass out.

This has become a big problem for me as before the anxiety I always enjoyed driving and the independence that comes with it. I would have drove anywhere - the bigger challenge the better. Now every time I go out in the car I feel just as scared - if not more than the previous time. I'm in a constant state of anxiety and it's really restricting my life. The roads that I feel 'safe' on are becoming fewer - the only roads I feel 'safe' on are quiet 'backroads'. I take detours to stay on these roads even if a journey takes longer.

I would be so grateful if anyone has any ideas on why this has developed the way that it has :shrug: I keep asking myself: 'Why am I so afraid of traffic behind me?' - the only reason that I can come up with is that as I also have Social Anxiety I go into panic mode as soon as someone else can 'see' me driving!?:unsure: Also, has anyone else felt any of these fears when driving? What is the best way that I can overcome them?

Any experiences or advice would be much appreciated. Thanks xx

01-06-08, 18:19
Hi Patty,
I get really scared when i have to go anywere i don't know, The way i cope is by trying to stay possitive and instead of saying i can't do this i tell myself over and over i can do it believe in yourself hun, it is scary but it gets alittle easyer when it pays off and you keep achieving your destination, if your anything like me i panic because i can see accidents waiting to happen infront of me so i am a nervous wreck aspecially if someone else is driving and they are too close for my liking or driving to fast, maybe it's about being in control, cause lets face it we have no control of much else if that makes scence, Just keep telling yourself you can do this why should you give up something you realy enjoyed previously, i try to drown out this by singing along to music and if i feel anxious i just move over to let people pass me. if they are to close i tap my breaks till they back off, if people have road rage with you and are swearing or giving you the finger simply smile, its there blood presure Ha Ha! any way stay possitive and don't let it beat you be stubbern and calm YOU CAN DO IT!!! good luck hope this helps chick Nat x

02-06-08, 00:04
Hi NatashaW31,:)

Thank-you so much for the lovely post.

I can totally relate to what you're saying - It's things like these that add to my anxiety:

'if your anything like me i panic because i can see accidents waiting to happen infront of me so i am a nervous wreck aspecially if someone else is driving and they are too close for my liking or driving to fast'

And as you were saying I think it is about 'control' as well.

Thanks also for the tips - I'll try them out the next time I go out :yesyes:

I had a good laugh about the 'blood pressure'!:roflmao:

All the best xx

02-06-08, 12:32
Glad to help sweetie,
I was told about that because i used to get so angry and scream n shout , i would be like a maniac and it took me so long to calm down, so i tried it, a women was shouting and swearing she looked so stressed out so i simply smiled at her and laughed her head looked like it was going to explode but i was so calm, it felt great lol.
Anyway you say it all in your caption at the bottom of your message chick just believe in yourself and think of this when you are doubting yourself you have support now sweetie luv Nat x