View Full Version : Winding myself up to anxiety state

01-06-08, 13:25
I've had a dodgy tummy this week. On Friday night it was pretty grim and then achy all yesterday then in the early hours of this morning it was grim again. Still hurting.

I am trying to convince myself it is just a tummy bug. But the other side of my brain is saying "Ohhhh it's the anxiety tummy ache back to get you because you go hols on this month...."

Getting myself all stewed up and I hate this... I was supposed to be taking my son to a birthday party this afternoon but my OH has had to do it cos' I am too ill and weepy.

01-06-08, 14:00
hiya i think worrying and anxiety will upset yr tummy especially if u are worried about holidays. i know its hard but when u get a min just lay down completely relax and close your eyes and think really happy thoughts for about 10 or 15 mins, then after that try to hold on to them thoughts and stay postive and any negative thoughts that start to arise just block them out and keep busy. im sure u will have a lovely holiday and it will do u good hugs xxxxxxxx