View Full Version : advice needed

12-04-05, 13:18
hi all

some might know that i have been on paroxetine for 7 wks and dont feel they are working,am experiencing side effects i think although could be the existing anxiety.

just spoken with my gp and she thinks i should up the dose to 40 mgs, and wannts to refer me to a phyciatrist, this has totally freaked me out as i know think im mentally ill

has anyone else been to see one and is it that scary

love Jane

12-04-05, 13:23
Hiya Jane,
She doesn't think your mentally ill she just thinks talking to someone would help you.
I know the word phyciatrist can strike fear into people's hearts but really they are just fancy counsellors it's a good thing to have someone outside your family and friends circle to talk to openly.
They dont judge you and remember anything you say to them is kept in the strictest confidence.
I like you should give it a go, anything's worth a try right.

Goodluck Jane

Take care


12-04-05, 14:10
Hi Jane.

I've been having psychotherapy, and my intital reaction was the same -- how the hell have I come to this? I must be crazy :(

But really, you're not -- the counselling I had taught me that anxiety is just the product of some negative thinking. Granted, a lot of negative thinking, but just negative thinking. So I'm not going crazy, just thinking some things which aren't realistic.

It wasn't scary -- in my case, it was kinda like talking to a wise aunt. I always came out feeling much better, and learnt a whole load of useful skills to deal with the anxiety.

Hope it works for you!


12-04-05, 14:37

Anxiety falls under the psychiatric disorders umbrella - what else would you think it should it come under ?

Psychiatrists lead and have responsibility for all the patients referred to the department thus its natural that you would see one.

In reality, many of us get farmed out/assessed by Community psychiatric nurses, psychologists, counsellors and the other people who make up the full team before we ever actually see the psychiatrist himself and often don't ever see one even though we are under their care on paper..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

12-04-05, 16:36
hi Longie,

I know its a scary thought but at the end of the day go with what your doc says, I know when my doc suggested it that was the first thing i said "im not mad", these people are trained to help and there is no stigma like there was years ago,
I think with me i tried to deny everything, but now i would accept all the help offered

good luck and i hope it goes well for you xxx

kairen x

12-04-05, 18:01
Hi Longie

I also see a phsychiatrist.

It didnt really freak me out, as I know that any help can only be a good thing, although i was so scared when I first saw him.

But it went fine! It was kind of a relief to talk about things openly.

Just because youve been refered doesnt mean your mentally ill, its just someone to help with your current problems...

Take it as a postive.

I now see mine approx every 4-8 weeks.

Tatty B xx

12-04-05, 18:41
hi Longie,

It's very normal that you have been referred to a psychiatrist - good luck!!

Sarah :D

12-04-05, 18:45
I really welcome the chance to talk over issues with a professional. I don't have any hang-ups about that whatsoever.

I see a psychotherpaist every week, and did see a psychiatrist on one occassion.

And if I'm classed as mentally ill, so be it. Its only a phrase, a pigeon hole if you like.

At the end of the day, I am who I am and proud of it.


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

12-04-05, 19:00
Hi Jane,

I dont know much about the med you are on but i am too waiting for an appt with a psychiatrist....must admit i cant wait

Love Sue

12-04-05, 19:00
Clickaway you have the right attitued completly :D

if someone is physically hurt ie broken leg or whatever, no one thinks thwice about them having to have physio or whatever treatment they need....but when it comes to mental illness, there still seems to be a stigma attached which is completly wrong....and i have the same attituade as you....yes I suffer with depression anxiety ocd etc etc and i see a physhiatrist to help me....if any one has a problem with that then thats for them to deal with.im dealing with mine by seeing a physhiatrist!! :D And im proud to be able to attmit that i have a problem.

Tatty B xx

12-04-05, 23:36
Hi Jane been referred doesnt mean you have lost it at all, it is just someone that specialises in how we feel, no different to have a broken bone and being referred to a consultant that deals in fractures.

They are only there to help and if you need it take it hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.