View Full Version : Heyy Everyone

01-06-08, 18:39
Im not a new member, i just havent been on since before christmas, and ive forgotten my password - DOH :blush: lol
after suffering REALLY bad with panic attacks last year and now recovering thought id take a trip back and see how youre all doing, and if anyone needs any advice =]
Stay Strong! xx:hugs:

milly jones
01-06-08, 18:51
hi bird,

well welcome back to nmp

so how did u do it?

love milly xx

01-06-08, 19:04
VERY gradually, i couldnt even get out of my house! so i made myself walk to the bus stop and back..something my CBT councellor told me to do, and i split journeys up into small "bitesize" pieces you could say!! hahaa:D
for example, my holiday to greece.
i said, ill just get to the airport, i wont go on the plane, but aslong as i can get there ive made an achievement, by the time i got there i was so happy id made it i got on the plane! :D:D
and enjoyed my holiday, that was turning point for me, as im scared of flying, you just have to take little steps towards a very big one, and then youre confidence just goes up and up :shades:
i still have setbacks to this day, but i try not to let them bother me, i know how frustrating it is thinking theres no way out, but there is!
its terrifying along the way, but work hard and believe in yourself and you will get there..
also try and get some fluoxetine tablets from ur doctor..theyre quite mild, and they come out of your system slowly so you wont feel addicted..i think theyre fantastic..theyve helped me no end! :) :) xx lots of hugs for you stay strong :hugs: xx

01-06-08, 19:09
Hey! Well done you!

I've recovered mostly too and although I have the odd set-back, I eventually get over them. Sounds like you have the right frame of mind. Keep up the good work!!

Siobhan x

01-06-08, 20:44
Hi and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

01-06-08, 21:01
Hiya Bird :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. keep posting with what ever is on your mind and hope fully soon we can chat in the chat room.

take care.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


02-06-08, 00:22

Im so proud of you, youve been through so much and im so happy youre getting better :)

''Never let anyone tell you, you cant because you can'' xxx