View Full Version : places you have avoided?

01-06-08, 19:40
im wondering which places some people avoid?
any strange ones?lol :hugs:

01-06-08, 19:44
The lounge, because that's the place I had my first panic attack in. I haven't been able to go in there and sit on the same sofa for over a month now since it happened.

02-06-08, 03:18
dont know if this fits in with your ideas, but i have long had problems with crossing roads. That's like an avoidance thing. I think that's down to my agoraphobia - big open spaces or something. Had the problem since the start of my anxiety, but am working well on that now

02-06-08, 09:43

Its not strange but i wont sit at my desk at work anymore because thats where i had a few panic attacks.

Infact i cant even be in that part of the office

I now work upstairs avoiding the whole room altogether.

love mandie x

02-06-08, 09:47
I dont think mine are unusual at all, places i have avoided are the school playground on school run (although i now HAVE to do it anyway, but it aint any easier), shops in the mall that arent near the main entrance, pubs/clubs (always), my work place - still cant go back.
Anywhere, where i have no control as to when i can leave, id always rather go to most places alone because then I CAN CONTROL when i leave.
Im sure mine are pretty boring and probably quite common but i thought id post them anyway.
C xxxx

Cathy V
02-06-08, 09:56
I avoid motorways, or the autobahn here in germany. I'm really scared to be on them, even as a passenger, and my partner has to plan alternative routes, making the journeys much longer. Theres nearly always hold ups on motorways and if we come to a complete standstill i freak out!:ohmy:

Cathy V xxx

02-06-08, 10:05
For about a year I avoided the supermarkets, the wholesalers and the hairdressers.

I have improved and now when I get symptoms I just ignore them but it was a long long slog

02-06-08, 10:08
:huh: Oh yeah just remembered the hairdressers and i really need to go, havent been for a year now but just cant pluck up enough courage, they have you stuck there dont they!!!! :scared15:
I once walked out of one, luckily they'd only washed my hair and hadnt started cutting, it was so embarrassing, so i just keep thinking i'll do that again!!!

02-06-08, 10:18
LOL I used to go to a big bright noisy salon and had a couple of attacks there - dead embarrassing - although I did not know at the time they were panic attacks.

I now go to a smaller hairdressers - just as good but half the cost. The girl is lovely and recently I plucked up courage to tell her of my previous panic attacks. She said it is surprising how many people suffer like that at hairdressers and for that reason they try to keep some open appointments for people just to pop in when they are feeling up to it (Including me).

I think it is the noise, the light and yes, the feeling that you cannot escape as easily.

The other alternative is to have your hair cut at home

02-06-08, 10:23
Wheres your nice hairdresser Allye? It isnt in bristol is it?

02-06-08, 10:31
:) :wacko: im like you cathy in one of my worst situations is motorways, its the lack of control isnt it? if you get in a jam or worse still an accident in which the whole motorway comes to a standstill for god knows how long, your just there with no way of knowing how long it will last. for me its all about escape, which like you said popsy is pretty standard anxiety disorder/agoraphobic reaction. so a fair ride, a river cruise or similar, any public transport out of my town, are all still no go's for me. but i have made good progress and i have hope and faith that in time i will get to where i want to be. i have had that many panics in my home that i cant avoid there, :blush:

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
02-06-08, 10:41
For me my car is my own bit of personal space and not really bothered being on Motorways etc. But I must admit I am quite a confident driver, on the other hand, my Wife defo has a phobia of driving, she can get into a bit of a panic, more so when she drives somewhere she is not familiar with.

I hate crowded places, shops, cinemas, if a neighbour is out the front, I can't leave the House, also Barbers, my Wife cuts my hair at Home.

THere are many other situations I avoid but I will be here all Day writing them! LOL


02-06-08, 11:52
Hi I avoid most things! I havent takne my son into school for the last two years its killing me! As i didnt want this to affect him.

I dont go shopping if i ever did it would be with hubby late at night. I havent been to pub/club in 6 long years. I had to avoid having my hair cut for the last 6 months but had to get it dont as it was a mess, I told the lady about my condition and she was lovley. I took my son or I wouldnt of made it there,

02-06-08, 12:02
No hairdresser is in Herts sorry :-(

03-06-08, 08:50
My balcony as that is where I had a huge panic attack. I am also very anxious around bridges, water, and on the tube.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 08:56
Tube, hmm, I would rather bang my head with a metal pole than get on one!

I don't like buses or any public transport, basicly avoid any situation where I am with strangers! I guess thats the social phobia kicking in.


03-06-08, 08:56

Wish I Had Your Hairdressers, They Sound So Nice.

The Dentist Is Also My Worst Place......


03-06-08, 09:45
Hi have so far avoided going to my boyfriend of a few months home six miles away, as i have a problem with going distances at the mo , it's not going down too well x

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 09:46
hI Caz7,

do you drive, or use public transport?


03-06-08, 09:49
God havent used public transport for years, i drive but avoid the motorway, i have trouble going far from home, although i work and go to college!, it's six miles away so am going to try and be brave soon x

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 09:52
I can relate to that, My Wife is a bag of nerves when driving, despite all my "conditions" I am ok with driving, I am in my own personal space and I feel safe.
I used to drive to London working when I lived in Surrey, but if I drive into cities now, I do get a little panicky.

Does it help you if you had someone in the car with you?


03-06-08, 09:58
It helps if I have someone who can drive back, i feel safer then in case i panick, it really is a distance thing i need to concer and every one fed up with me!, so taking myself for a little drive tommorrow to see if I can get half way there

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 10:03
Yeah, go for a drive, don't feel crap about it, there are many that suffer from that kind of phobia, my Wife is not agraphobic but I think she defo does have a phobia of driving.

Maybe go to somewhere quiet and not busy and drive around a little?

Can your Boyfriend not come to you at all?


Granny Primark
03-06-08, 10:06
Im afraid to drive too far away from home in case I have a panic attack and cant drive back.
I also avoid driving where there might be a chance that il get stuck in a huge traffic jam.
Ive also been avoiding walking over a bridge in our town centre. The bridge goes over a dual carriageway and last year I saw a man just about to commit suicide by jumping off the bridge. Luckily someone stopped him. But there have been others that have jumped.
Last week I managed to walk over it. My daughter was with me and I walked with my dead down and was txting someone to take my mind of it.
Crazy eh?

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 10:11
Hi Lynn,
No not crazy at all.

The only thing about traffic jams is it makes me so on edge and angry, maybe its kind of the same thing and is related to agraphobia?


03-06-08, 10:15
Will try to get boyfriend to come with me although he is really busy, i hate driving over motorway bridges and although don't actually have to get on motorway still have to drive over it, not to fond of bridges either, so bno it's not silly x

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 10:21
On this subject, I must admit that I dont like driving through tunnels, I get very edgy and cant wait to get out of the other end!!!!

I would rather cut my limbs off with a sharp instrument that go through the channel tunnel!! LOL
