View Full Version : No consistency

12-04-05, 18:14
I find myself wondering why sometimes I can do things and other times I cant, perhaps there is no reason and searching for answers is fruitless. I have been on holiday from work for two weeks and in that time ive hardly been out. I have agoraphobia but have always been able to drive to work about 5 mins away. Since being back at work yesterday ive made an effort to try and slowly go a bit further, on the way to work yesterday I drove slightly out of my way round a couple of roundabouts by my local supermarket and then to work, prob just 2 mins further. On the way back from work yesterday I drove past the local stables where my daughter has lessons and a bit futher past it then back home, prob about 5 mins. This morning for the first time in a couple of weeks I was able to pop into a local store on the way to work and then took a longer route to work. After work today I drove to the supermarket, bought a couple of items then did the journey past the stables and back again. None of this gave me any more than mild anxiety and I was really pleased with myself. This evening, as on most Tuesdays my daughter was going to the stables and this filled me with fear, even after what I have achieved in the last couple of days. I did go, and I made it there and back, but the anxiety was much, much worse, I did not reach the stage of a panic attack, but the dreaded fear was there. I coped by talking to myself, telling myself to slow my thoughts down and reassuring myself that even if I did have a panic attack I would still as always be able to get back home. Of course in an hrs time I have to pick her up from the stables and bring her home, I am quite fearful of this but not panicking. Im sure the reasons dont matter, but it does seem that when im actually planning to go out, (unless its to work) I sit and work myself up about it. I am determined to keep on with my slowly but surely attempt to go farther afield and im sure its normal to sometimes be more anxious than others, its hard tho as im sure most of you know, not to let one thing ruin what otherwise has been a very successful day.

June x

long term panic/anxiety sufferer, add agroaphobia to that, fed up

12-04-05, 19:32

Good luck for picking your daughter up - you know deep down you will be fine.....let us know when you get back


12-04-05, 19:35

Well done for the progress you have been making! I do not have agoraphobia but can see how hard it must be for you. I think you must be a very strong person to keep pushing yourself a little further each day. I am sure the setback is just a temporary one and you will be back on track before you know it.

Annette x

12-04-05, 20:11
Thanks for being supportive guys, it really helped. I picked my daugher up and actually had very little anxiety, so all in all ive had a very good day. One minor blip cant wipe out all the good stuff.

June x

long term panic/anxiety sufferer, add agroaphobia to that, fed up

12-04-05, 20:42
Good on you June - well done!! :D

12-04-05, 20:42
Hi Juneie,

Anticipatory anxiety can be far more crippling than spontaneous anxiety.

You build yourself up and have time to muse over every point and every possible aspect of it, whereas if you get somewhere and feel ok you can often push yourself a bit further on the spur of the moment and feel suitably pleased.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

12-04-05, 23:19
Hi Juneie

I appreciate how hard this is for you. Somedays we can push ourselves and then others what we have achieved seems like they are miles away. Dont forget they are blips and once achieved we can do it again, however hard and however long it takes.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.