View Full Version : Help please? :| A.S.A.P

02-06-08, 07:22
Hey uhm..

Well I kinda thought I was getting over my health anxiety, obviously not.

But this time it's different. I keep getting proper irrational thoughts. Yeah, they were irrational before. But not like this. This time I just can't shake them from my mind. I'm sure y'all know the feeling.

Tonight, I guess I'm just looking for reassurance.

Well.. I'm overweight, and I've got a small fat lump ("Buffalo hump") at the back of my neck. Lately I've been freaking out, thinking it's my spine bending or something, and because I'm always worrying about it.. I'm constantly cracking my neck and shoulders for that temporary relief, although I know it's making it worse.

Tonight I've cracked my neck that much that now it's like.. A really sharp, loud, painful crack. I've gotten it into my head that my head is like.. Idk, dislocating itself from my neck because my spine is bending?

I keep trying to tell myself how irrational this is.. And it probably can't happen, Just, like I said above.. I can't shake the thoughts.

Can your head dislocate itself? o.0 And does anyone think my spine could be bending? I'm sat here really freaking out. I've had these thoughts for about 5 hours now. And distraction is no longer working. I've contacted my local crisis team.. Who just said someone will ring me back about midday and maybe come round.

Please can someone reply A.S.A.P I need help!

I don't want to end up rining an ambulance again and making a fool of myself at the hospital.

I know my anxiety has probably gotten worse because I haven't slept all night, but with these thoughts I keep thinking if I put my head to a pillow, I'll be too scared to get back up incase my head/neck dislocates.

Please write back!!

Emz xxxx

P.s, If someone could add me to msn to talk to me? Please do. x.ema.has.stripey.socks.x@live.com

02-06-08, 09:15
I have an arthritic neck and the noise coming from it is terrible sometimes. It cracks and creaks and makes a grinding sound all the time.

I notice it more when I am in bed. I take tablets for vertigo because of my neck but don't worry I don't think you head is going to fall off.

Wait and see how it goes.