View Full Version : advice please

02-06-08, 09:17
I am getting a bit worried about tomorrow. I have a hospital apot in the afternoon (just a routine one for my heart condition) but I know my mum wants to go shopping & out for some lunch first & I am worried I will have a panic attack. I don't want to say lets not go as I know she is looking forward to it & I know they is a good chance I might NOT have an attack, but I am always thinking what if... I used to love doing stuff like that before I started getting them & now I am worried. I have to go collect my avon books in a min & getting worked up about that & thats only on my street! How will I cope in a city centre?????

02-06-08, 16:39
That reminds me of my mum! I had several hospital appointments last year in Cambridge, and my dear old mum saw it as a shopping opportunity and a chance to eat out. I got irritated because I was in a state of agitation and all the stopping made me feel worse. Then I felt guilty for snapping because generally she had been really supportive. Try telling her how you feel, maybe you could try the lunch and shopping another time when you don't have the added stress of the hospital appointment?

02-06-08, 17:04
yeah you are right, I think I will do. The thing is, the hospital apots have always been a good excuse for us to go shopping & have lunch & I used to enjoy doing these things which makes me so fustrated.

I am going to call her tonight & tell her how I feel.

Thanks for this Samira. Glad to know I am not alone. :)

02-06-08, 17:13
I'm sure she'll understand. Try not to let the fact that you can't face these things you used to enjoy get you down. I'm in the same boat at the moment, I had to cancel meeting a friend in town this morning because I just couldn't face it. But we will get better, it just takes time, that's all. Hope it all goes well tomorrow. x