View Full Version : Feel TERRIBLE

02-06-08, 10:46
Oh God, I feel absolutely terrible!!

So panicked!! I haven't felt like this in about 4 days, and now I have a full blown 'attack' - sweaty palms, dizzy, heart palpatations... I want to cry. Work is SO manic which is making it a million times worse!! I feel like my eyes are about to shut down so just want to sleep, but I can't because I'm at work. I'm SO fed up of feeling like this ALL THE TIME!!

I have to have a meeting at the moment but am so scared, made worse by the fear that I'll throw up or faint. I'm worried my arms and legs are going to stop working.

I drank a fair bit yesterday which obv isn't helping. JUST - DONT - WANT - TO - FEEL - LIKE - THIS!!

02-06-08, 11:08

Sorry to hear u are going through this.

Are u able to go out side for some air.

Im at work to and go through the same. I get a glass of water and either go for some air and sit on my own and try slow breathing.

U prob know that alcohol makes anxiety worse.

Are u on any meds?

how do u feel now

love mandie x

02-06-08, 15:12
Hi Mandie,

I'm still feeling dreadful! I blame myself entirely due to the alcohol!!

I went to the docs last week about my anxiety and she said I was to immerse myself in sports and fitness and if that doesn't work to go back and she'll prescribe beta blockers. I'm a little loathed to try meds, purely because I worry what will happen on them and also when I come off them.

How are you coping today?x