View Full Version : Loss of co-ordination

12-04-05, 22:01
I have been having a run of reasonably good days and today - Major Blip:(
I have been on Cipralex for 3 weeks now (10mg) and after initial bad side-effects thought I was through and on road to recovery. I even went into work (school) for 2 hours yesterday (They are hugely supportive with me).
Today I couldn't go in to school. I had a quick bout of giddiness (2 seconds) this morning after breakfast and that threw my confidence.
Mid-morning I felt a feeling of numb brain and I felt un-cordinated. This made me extremely anxious (for a quick flash I thought I was having a stroke) and knocked my confidence even more. [Sigh...]
I did pick up a little bit and went down to the sea with my mum for a longer than usual walk. Then went to the supermarket and shopped (Mum was in the store but not with me)
So - although I picked up a little I still feel frightenend that I can have such frightening sensations after a really good day yesterday.
Does this sound familiar to anyone????

12-04-05, 22:09
This is totally normal and you can expect these odd momentary sensations for a while yet.

Well done though for continuing on your day and getting out again for your walk and shop.

A bad morning does not ruin the whole day .


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

12-04-05, 23:59

Sorry today hasnt been too good for you but we all have blip however far along the road to recovery we are. Quick reminders that we need to look after ourselves. It is only temporary and as quick as you went into it you will come out just as quick. Trust me i have been there and so has Meg.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

13-04-05, 09:27
Hi there

I still get odd sensations and I can honestly say I am about 98% over this, they are still horrible but with time you will learn not to panic when you get them.
Well done for going out and about, you are doing really well.
Keep it up

Take care

Elaine x

13-04-05, 13:01
These symptoms are very normal - well done for fighting it!! Keep it up. :D