View Full Version : Agoraphobia - can it be a part time condition?

02-06-08, 12:29
Im confused about the term agoraphobia, i am wondering if you can only say you are agoraphobic if you NEVER can go out of the house etc... or can you be agoraphobic at times? :wacko:
I think i am agoraphobic when my anx is very high and i get into such a state i cant bear to even leave the house :scared15: , but other times when my anx is high i can still go for walks alone just cant cope with normal life situations and then other times when im coping better i try to lead a normal a life as possible, but its never an easy ride.
Does this mean im agoraphobic or not? Or am i just trying to put a name to a condition which i have and it doesnt really matter whats its called its just me? Im just a bit confused by it all.... maybe i just dont understand the term correctly? :shrug:
Charlie x x x

02-06-08, 12:39
Hello Charlie
I have often asked myself the same question, you are NOT alone my luv, i will do without stuff because i cannot face going out and lettingthe world see me, i only joined yesterday so hopefully we can get our answers here from others that are the same
keep smiling chick your not alone
luv Nat x

02-06-08, 12:43
Im confused about the term agoraphobia, i am wondering if you can only say you are agoraphobic if you NEVER can go out of the house etc... or can you be agoraphobic at times? :wacko:
I think i am agoraphobic when my anx is very high and i get into such a state i cant bear to even leave the house :scared15: , but other times when my anx is high i can still go for walks alone just cant cope with normal life situations and then other times when im coping better i try to lead a normal a life as possible, but its never an easy ride.
Does this mean im agoraphobic or not? Or am i just trying to put a name to a condition which i have and it doesnt really matter whats its called its just me? Im just a bit confused by it all.... maybe i just dont understand the term correctly? :shrug:
Charlie x x x

I think agoraphobia, like most other anxiety disorders, can vary at times and you can go from being totally housebound to being able to go out within your 'comfort zone'. There is a lot of confusion about what agoraphobia means and I think a lot of people think agoraphobics are scared of being outside, when the reality is that people with agoraphobia are scared of being in a situation where they cannot escape quickly to their 'safe zone'. For some people that 'safe zone' will be their house, for others it might be their car or some other place where they feel safe.

02-06-08, 12:47
Thanks for that Liz that makes so much scence to me and helps i'm sure charlie will feel a little better too.
Luv Nat x

02-06-08, 12:58
I agree. My Agorophobia is worse when I'm alone, which is most of the time. If I'm anxious then I won't go to the supermarket. However, when my brother came to stay for 3 weeks, my phobia was a lot less because I had someone else to occupy my mind and therefore was able to keep my own thoughts at bay. I think it is merely a state of mind (but very incapacitating) and also brings with it the 'what if' syndrome. A sense of insecurity as well I believe.

02-06-08, 18:55
Thanks for your replys, it makes more sense to me now and i definitely am only happy going out within a safety zone and one that isnt far away from somewhere i can run to and be in control of, if you get my drift!
Thank you its all helped :) xxxx

02-06-08, 23:25
I agree with Lyn. My experience with agoraphobia is that the condition seems to ebb and flow. Often, my level of anxiety is a factor, as well as whether my brain perceives that I am in a "safe place" or not.

02-06-08, 23:52
I've been agoraphobic for 10 years now and in my case i've been house/roombound and also able to travel up to one mile alone, but thats it. Since i have had my agoraphobia i've not been able to live anywhere near what i would call 'normal'.

I have to be honest here, i get really confused when i read on here people who have agoraphobia but are able to go on holiday and still work a 9-5 job AND maintain a social life..etc. If i had that agoraphobia, i would be happier than i am right now.

To me, agoraphobia severely effects your every day life.


03-06-08, 07:38
I was told that agoraphobia is not fear of open space, a common misconception, but about control and escape and safety zones. My aoraphobia has always been centred round modes of transport. At on epoint i couldn't travel two bus stops on a bus. And even now there is a certain part of the M8 I will avoid in the car. But i do agree it ebbs and flows depending on anxiety levels.
I am lucky, I work fulltime, go shopping and socialise. But i do still suffer. when i feel positive I always do my damndest to make my safety zone much bigger.

Pooh x