View Full Version : Please Help job Anxiety

02-06-08, 13:27
Please can anyone help me or advise me, I am not working but really want to,
I have Fibromyalgia Syndrome and ME and Many other things that are attached to these illnesses, it is very dibilatating for me but i want to earn a living, i can not get a job because i don't know from min to min or day to day how i will be and have been so ill lately i can't remember the last good day :weep:
I am loking for Idea's for work from home jobs so if i can't get out of bed i can still earn a living, i have been looking non stop but they all seem to be cons that want money or self employed, i just want a job i can do at home and get paid a wage, If anyone can help or suggest anything i will be so greatfull,
I hate not being able to work and need something for my sanity.
Many Thanks Nat x

03-06-08, 10:01
Hello Nat !
I have ME too and am in a similar situation. I found it hard to accept that there are things I just cannot do at the moment and working is one of them. I'm looking to find some voluntary work where I can give my time on an ad hoc basis and still get to meet people - maybe typing up minutes for a small group or a bit of simple book-keeping. Your loval library should have details of local voluntary groups and organisations and their contact numbers.
Its not much of an idea - but its a start.
be kind to yourself

03-06-08, 11:48
Thank you so much for your suggestions however i realy need the income of work, it's so anoying that i want to work but can't find a job to suit my illnesses I have been turned down for DLA twice over the years although i only probably have a good day every month or so if im lucky
I just feel so hopeless at the moment that everything is out of my control and hate my boyfriend taking so much on with work to make up for me it's not fair on him,
I'm sure it will sort itself out and in the meantime i will continue to search the web on a daily basis
thank you Neptuno so much Nat x

03-06-08, 17:20
Hi Natasha

I appreciate that you need the income from work but voluntary work could give you the opportunity to get back into work at a pace that suits you. It would also look good on your CV - employers look very highly at it. If you could so some voluntary work you could find out what you could and could not manage. It may also lead to work - I know many people who have started off as volunteers and quickly progressed into paid work.