View Full Version : feeling frustrated - when will it go!?

13-04-05, 09:41
hi all,
not sure if this is the right place for this message but have just woken up today feeling really fed up. I know its normal to have days like this but its just really getting to me. I have really bad anxiety and have been having some depression symptoms with it. I spiralled downwards on valentines day (?!) really quickly, crying ,couldn't go out, felt I was going to die (not sure how!) and that my life was over basically. I was put on prozac that did help a bit but then started making me shake quite a lot that really concerned me, so have now just been changed to effexor 5 days ago. I'm still twitching a bit but hopefully it will go. I know I have improved since 2 months ago but also keep thinking, oh my god its been 2 months and I still haven't got the confidence to go back to work and uni and i feel totally helpless and people keep telling me it will get better but I'm so impatient I want it to happen now. I just want to be back to normal again and not scared of everything. So I guess I just wanted someone to remind me that negative thinking does go away and that I will improve and to just be patient and one day hopefully soon I will be able to lead a full life again.. sorry I have ranted on but I thought I'd ease off my husband for a bit!
Thank you all,

13-04-05, 10:18
Hi Lisa,

Frustrating isnt it. I get so down about this awful illness and wish I could wake up one morning and be cured!

Unfortunately its not like that. I think its a gradual recovery with good and bad days.

Hopefully, eventually the bad days get less and less.

Keep smiling and dont let it beat you, we are all here to help support and share this with you.

Jude x

Be gentle with yourself....you just need some time to heal.

13-04-05, 10:43
Hi Lisa

Hae a little read of my posting of yesterday which in under success stories. Like you mine started whilst away over Valentines and I am only just beginning to myself again - but I really am on the up and you will be soon too.

The best thing I have done is to set myself one task a day and making myself do it, the first times are usually awful but with repitition they get so much easier. An example is I have been selling bits & bobs on ebay to keep myself occupied, once sold they need posting. I was getting my hubby to do this for me then about ten days ago I though NO - you are going to do this yourself. I drove to the local village Post office shaking, tight chest, swollen tongue and throat feeling. I waited until the post office was empty then I darted in. It only took a minute and I was having to distract myself constantly to get through it. Every day I have gone since and yesterday I stood in a very long line of people, weighed and posted 11 items and let a couple of OAP's in before me. I came out and suddenly thought this is it now - onwards and upwards.

Take comfort in knowing you are not alone. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Take care...Angie

13-04-05, 10:56
Hi lisa

It is a long progress but you have to keep on thinking how far you have come, and not think to far ahead, try and think of little things each day to aim for then if you have done them you will feel that achievement and be pleased with yourself,

Read angies story and others like it it does help, you can get through this, it does get better, you have all the support of everyone here

good luck hun


kairen x

13-04-05, 12:58
hi Lisa,

Try to hang onto the positive things and stay as busy as possible. I hope you feel better soon..

Sarah :D

13-04-05, 21:58
Hi Lisa

Sorry it hasnt been an easy day, but remember its a blip and we all get them. Just remember how well you have done and those days will come back, however far away they seem, trust me on that one, i have been there too.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.