View Full Version : Anxiety Muscle Pain... Duration?

02-06-08, 21:53
Hi Everyone,

This is my first post, and I just wanted to say how nice it is to find a place like this!

I have a question, although I have not be officially diagnosed as going through health anxiety right now, its quite obvious to me that I am. (Worrying about everything, getting all kinds of tests coming back negative for whatever I think it is I have, yet I still worry).

The one thing that I have that keeps bothering me is random muscle pains, although they were much worse when I was worrying a lot more a few weeks ago, I still have a few. Its been probably 6 weeks since Ive felt the first muscle pain. They seem very random, all over the place. I guess my question is: Has anyone else ever had lingering muscle pains due to anxiety? If so, how long do/can they last?

Thanks again!

02-06-08, 22:16

Widespread muscle pain is a big thing to do with anxiety. I ache all the time, I do have a pinched nerve admittedly, however, I ache everywhere. I think because I spend so much time hunched up and tense.
Is that how it is for you?

Hot baths/swimming and plenty of stretching will help.

It is random, which makes it so puzzling! and worrying if you are a Health Anxiety sufferer like us!!

I know how your feeling!


02-06-08, 22:31
Sorry to hear ur having issues with muscle pain dw, I too suffer from lots of aches and muscle cramp due to my anxiety. Personally I find by working out, taking saunas and having massages helps to ease the lingering pain. Hope this is of some help to u, take care.

02-06-08, 22:37
So 6 weeks isn't something that is extremely out of the ordinary?

It seems sometimes that if I think about an area for long enough, that is where the pain is. However if I can totally distract myself from my thoughts, the pains go away almost entirely.

I've had pains in my shoulders, chest, arms, back, sides, groin/pelvic areas. So incredibly random. A little bit of a dry mouth too (which both my doctor and dentist have said its nothing but dry mouth/breathing through mouth).

As much as I hate to see others suffer, it does kind of make me feel better to know I am not the only one.

03-06-08, 08:19
It just sounds like anxiety :)

And I'm sure you know a dry mouth is a sign also?

Emz xx