View Full Version : a BIG HI

03-06-08, 03:09
Hello Everyone

Just found this tonight (this morning) as I was browsing for yet more health/medication info.
I have been very unwell and diagnosed with M.E but that has not stopped me feeling very panicy and this fear is stopping me taking any medication i need for fear of side effects.
I have looked up here and other bits over the last few months and believe i have health phobia!!
I am unwell that is true but i should be more willing to accept doctors medication without totally stressing out about it.
he only wants me to take Lansoprazole for my upset tum and Kalonticon gel for releaf of muscle spasm in my throat.
I have that lump in throat sensation but its also painful.doc thinks my poor appetite is causing gastritis and acid i cant feel in my throat and of course anxiety is making it worse.
ANYWAY apart from this im a happy friendly person with a good sense of humour and looking forward to making a few friends here :yesyes:

03-06-08, 07:04
Hi Bramble

Welcome to NMP :)

Have you thought about speaking to someone about your M.E. like a counsellor? It might help relieve some of your anxieties?

You'll get loads of support and advice on here so keep posting! :yesyes:

Jo xxxxx

03-06-08, 08:21
hi bramble,
im sorry you are feeling a bit ropey. i know how hard it is to feel calm about your health, especially when something is wrong.
i have to take medicines every day too and at first i was in a terrible state, checking nad rechecking the side effects leaflet, googling and generally scaring myself half to death. i also had no belief whatsoever that they would help.
but i started taking them and i to my utter surprise didnt get any side effects and they actually worked!!!! and if im honets they have improved things for me greatly. i still feel anxious about taking them and im trying so hard to overcome this.
speak tou your doctor, or family or a trusted friend about how you feel, i spoke to my husband in the end after weeks of torturing myself and again to my surprise he toally understood how i was feeling.
no one wnats to take tablets but sometimes they can help you feel better, its worth a go.
i hope you are okay.
take good care
kelly xx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 10:08
I agree with Kelly,
If you need meds you need them end of!

The only problem I have with taking tabs is swollowing the bloody things, makes me reach sometimes! LOL

Take care,


03-06-08, 10:27
Hi Wayne.
Welcome to NMP!!!
Lots of meds can come in a liquid form would that help?
I hope you find this site as supportive and friendly as i do, you are never alone on here.
Hugs C xxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 10:31
Hi Charlie,
I take cocodamols for my carpel tunnel, and I meant to ask for soluble ones but my short term memory is crap at the moment so I forgot, the propranols are small so thats not so bad, the diazapams are small also so thats ok, just the cocodamols are frigging huge! LOL


03-06-08, 10:37
Wayne, go back and ask for soluable ones, doc will understand, i usually find them really helpful if they can see it is genuinely distressing you.
C xxx

03-06-08, 10:38
Hi Bramble,:welcome:

Am a newbie :blush: hope you get the help you need.:hugs:

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 10:48
Wayne, go back and ask for soluable ones, doc will understand, i usually find them really helpful if they can see it is genuinely distressing you.
C xxx

Hi Charlie,
Yes I will do that,
My free subscription card expires on 30th June, so I need to get what I need cos frankly we can't afford all the medication that I will need!


03-06-08, 11:29
:bighug1: Hi Bramble,
Your certainly not alone hun, i also have ME if you have any questions or anxiety about anything ask away sweetie will be happy to put your mind at rest or support you that's what were all here for :hugs: to give hugs and be nice lol :noangel:
Take care and :welcome:
luv Nat x

03-06-08, 21:41
Hiya Bramble :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes: .
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. Im sorry you are not doing to good at the moment, keep posting and we will help as much as we can and i hope to talk to you in chat soon.

take care. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

04-06-08, 12:27
Hi Bramble and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I too get the lump in the throat feeling so can really sympathise. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

Take care,

Mike :)

milly jones
04-06-08, 13:07
welcome bramble to nmp

hope to chat soon

milly xx :D

04-06-08, 13:41
Hello Bramble And Welcome ..i Wish Ya Well..........linda

04-06-08, 15:42
hiya all
thanks for the welcome and helpfulness

feels good to know others care.
have posted seperatley as think i might be in wrong place about the latest regards doctors etc.
feel bit lost and stressed cos of it too.

all the best everyone :flowers:

10-06-08, 20:11
Hi Bramble,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,