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13-04-05, 09:56
hi everyone,
im having a bad morning, woke up ok but now im dizzy again, im so fed up i dont think it will ever go, im on my own during the day and i hate it.
luv sue:(

13-04-05, 10:05
hi sue,
i'm also on my own during the day and I have to make a plan for myself or I just feel like i'm existing.. and just waiting to feel better!
i also get dizzy sometimes but I know I have low blood pressure so that is why I think..
my task today is to take our bottles to the recycling and start on my essay that is 2 months late! why dont you make a plan too and get back to the board later and we can see if we both made it!


13-04-05, 11:03
hi sue,

I am on my own through the day as well and i hate it i used to work from home so was always busy but now its hard walking through that door and thinking well what am i going to do all day, what i do now is think right i give myself an hour to do that, then i can have a cuppa, etc
its something to motivate you but its all about keeping busy,

I have low blood pressure too, just make sure u dont get up to quick, and make sure u eat enough through the day

hope you feel better soon
take care,

kairen x

13-04-05, 11:17
thanks guys,
i know im bringing the dizzyness on myself but dont know how to get rid of it,it just stays with me
luv sue x

13-04-05, 12:56
hi Sue,

Try to keep yourself as busy as possible - that's the only way you will forget about the dizziness..

Sarah :D

13-04-05, 13:43
Hi Sue
So sorry you are having a nasty day, i feel exactly the same today and the dizziness has always been my major problem,even had to send hubby to do our big shop on his own, i keep giving in to it, but sometimes it seems easier this way, try and do as the others have suggested, a little distraction (that's why i'm on this site right now), also i put the tv on, try to read the paper and wander about indoors, (not at the same time of course lol). It is hard work sometimes though isn't it? Maybe tommorow will be a better day. take care and keep in touch.,

13-04-05, 15:47
onwards and upwards ...things can only get better its hard when we get stuck in a rut eh! motorvation is hard to find sometimes. Hopefully you will have a better day tomorrow xxxx

Love Sarah-Jane xxxx

13-04-05, 21:55

It will pass but it takes time and while we wait it can get really hard. You know we are all here to help you get through this and you are not alone in how you feel.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

13-04-05, 22:58
hi sue,
hope you're feeling a bit better. for the first three months of my anxiety/panic, i felt dizzy all day every day. i just didn't know what to do with myself. then i learnt how to crochet and realised that if i set myself mini tasks, you know like making the bed or tidying up the living room or whatever, it helped me get over the dizzyness a bit. the worst thing you can do is stay lying down, i think.
i also have low blood pressure and my gp told me that the most important thing to do when you have low blood pressure is have a good breakfast with lots of protein, so eggs on toast or something.
anyway, i really hope you feel better tomorrow and i promise you that in time the dizzyness will stop.
take care,
henri x

15-04-05, 20:36
Hi sue

Sorry to hear that you are feeling bad. Trust me you cannot bring dizziness on yourself there is a reason for it. It is most probably the anxiety and being on your own but it could be something else. I suffer with vertigo and menieres disease as well as everything else which causes alot of mine but you could have low bp or low iron levels. Have you got any other symptoms like your hair falling out more or bruising easily. I have low iron levels and low ferritin levels which causes me to feel giddy so it could be that. If I were you I would go and get it checked out at your Gps just to make sure you dont need iron tablets or that your bp is low.

take care and let me know how you get on
