View Full Version : whats going on!!!

03-06-08, 03:25
Hi, i am Vashti. And this year i have had the return of anxiety symptoms... But like so many of you, at times keep thinking that maybe this is not anxiety and something has been missed.
I thought i had a good yesterday and then at 7pm whilst laying down i had an attack of palpiatations... I usually get ectopics but this was a full on burning sensation through my body and then my heart was pounding in my throat and well, you know!!! I didnt panic, i sat up and took lots of slow deep breaths, well as slow and as deep as i could. It settled within about 5 minutes... I then about 20 mins later went and had a bath... Same thing happened... Burning feeling through the body and the heart pounding and racing...
I went to bed early and actually manged to fall asleep, though woke up early hours...
Then today, am noticing, have dandruff really bad, and even my eyebrows flaking, my tongue is really white (coating) and well, i just do not feel right. Keep getting little thumps in my throat and then get mild funny burning in my upper tummy, even my ears seem to burn!!! NAd today am really feeling the cold... Do not usually feel the cold...
God i am waffling... But i feel as though, well, i had an echo 6 weeks ago, have had 2 ECG's this year and 2 lots of bloods. Had stools sample checked, as get chronic loose stools every morning (bright yellow usually, that only started this year) and have to go at least 3 or 4 times in the two hours after i wake. Nothing has shown up... But now keep thinking, what have they missed... An adrenal tumour etc!!!
But really, am i the only one with all these great symptoms???
I really can see after reading this that i am likley having anxiety symptons, but why am i letting them get to me?

03-06-08, 03:55
I thought i had a good yesterday and then at 7pm whilst laying down i had an attack of palpiatations...............am i the only one with all these great symptoms???
..................why am i letting them get to me?

In one word.........Stress!

I can go for a while where they are not a worry, but then they can come back in a slightly different guise and i am back on the panic/anxiety roundabout again.

I've read that you're a nurse, which I must add I truly admire in you because I know many nurses do their jobs because of how much they Care but I also know how stressful being a nurse can be. Also though sometimes too much knowledge can be a bad thing because a nurse knows all the illnesses people suffer from!

I feel I'm saying this to someone who must know it all:D but when you feel stressed, your adrenaline starts pumping causing your palpitations. Your mind then kicks into gear to start worrying because you're feeling in an anxious state. The stress we're feeling often makes us worry that our anxiety symptoms maybe something more than they are. If you remove the stress, your health anxiety would also stop.

However, as I mentioned in the beginning, you're a nurse so you know all the illnesses that exist so your mind may make connections between your anxiety symptoms and illness related symptoms. Too much knowledge may not be helping!

I feel you need to learn ways to unwind, relax and find ways to keep your stress levels to a minimum by perhaps finding an outside interest, a hobby or something you enjoy doing.

I feel sure though that your problems are all stress related.:hugs: