View Full Version : not too good.

03-06-08, 08:14
good morning everyone,
im feeling quite bad this morning. really edgy and breathless and the more i try to calm down the more tense im getting. had a bad day yeasterday too. i just hate this so much i want to feel calm and relaxed not a jibbering wreck with manic thoughts.
hope everyone else is feeling better than me
take good care
kelly xx

03-06-08, 09:43
Aww Kelly, hope u have calmed down a bit now.

Im not very relaxed either today.

love mandie x

03-06-08, 10:32
Hi Kelly.
Really feel for you babe, i know exactly how you are feeling, but you will come out of it i promise!!!! :hugs:
I usually find that if i can find something positive to do it helps me start to climb out of that horrible panicy pit!!! Ive started doing Moodgym (google it) its helping me change the way i think and helps with the horrible manic thoughts. Why dont you give it a go you have nothing to lose!!!
I hope you are feeling a bit better now and i send you lots of calming hugs.
C xxxx :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

03-06-08, 13:37
the more i try to calm down the more tense im getting.

Seems like when we "try" to make things better with this condition, things wind up getting worse.

03-06-08, 14:54
Hi Kelly
I to suffer badly with my breathing due to my anx, one thing that does help me is to go for a good walk, give it a try youve nothing to loose
Take care