View Full Version : Feel let down by Parents!!!!

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 09:20
This is a bit of a rant, this also may be in the wrong section, sorry if it is.

Some of you may of read previous posts from me, I am an alcoholic and going into Hospital next Wednesday for detox, this is my choice, I am doing for me and my lovely Wife.

I also suffer from agraphobia, social phobia, anxiety etc etc etc!!!!

I told my Mum and Dad (they are divorced) about my situation and the detox, they replied (by e-mail, I don't like using the phone!) and seemed caring and concerned.

I then e-mailed them to say I will be going into Hospital 11th June for 8 Days, they have not replied and I think they either dont give a s**t or they are ashamed of me.

Its a good job my Wife is supportive and I only need her, my parents can F**K off basicly, when I am better, dont want to know them, I have what I need here. I have always been independant since young age as my Mum didnt give a crap about me.

rant over,


03-06-08, 09:24
Sorry to hear that Wayne. Are you sure the emails went through properly? Anyway, at least you have your wife's support. All the very best for Wednesday, we'll be thinking of you!

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 09:32
Hi Simara,
Yes the e-mails got through, both of them not replied.

I blame my Mum anyway for my drinking problem, when Mum & Dad split up she lost the plot and my Brother and I got chucked into a Childrens Home, I came out after a while but Brother stayed in 'till he was 16!!!

She met a boyfriend who used to beat the crap out of me, had the shitiest upbringing you can imagine.
I was dragged up, she didnt care about how I was doing at School, she and her wan**r of a boyfriend drunk every Night too, so its not rocket science to understand the way I ended up this way, and now she dont give a flying f**k.
Sorry, but I am so angry about this.


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 09:40
It amazes me how 25 Years ago ubusive parents or whateva you call them got away with things, these days you can end up in trouble for just shouting at your Child!!!!

once I had red lines all over my back where that ******* chased me up the stairs with a cane, a social worker came and saw my back, and DONE NOTHING!!! I looked like I had been in a prison of war camp!

I just dont understand it, if I could take that pri*k to court now I would and I would love to deck him, in fact kill him!

03-06-08, 10:21
hi wayne im really sorry for what u have been through but also its very brave that u have come on here and been very honest and also that u r doing somethinng about your drinking and other issues to give u and yr wife a better and happier future. i too feel let down by my parents and mu other half was beaten by his but together we ave built a happy family and it doesnt matter about anyone else. parents will never change but we can and wot happend in our past as horrid as it was doesnt have to keep haunting us we can put it behind us and show them that we can be successful and happy in our life. forget the idiots in this world hun just concentrate on u. cbt helped me deal with a lot of anger and im sure it would help u to to think differently about things too, hugs and please keep us posted and im sure u will do just fine, cos u are a good person hugs xxxxxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 10:25
Thanks Donna,

My Wife also had an abusive Father,

She has a great skill of not letting it spoil her life, unfortunately I dont pocess that skill, after detox I will get after care and hopefully I will develop this great skill.


03-06-08, 10:30
Wayne, I am so sorry that you are hurting and angry by your parents lack of concern, but just remember honey the one person who means the world to you, is there for you...your wife!!

Oh and trust me Social Services do not always follow up on things, not even nowdays...I know that only too well, in fact I found them to be absolutely f***ing useless.


03-06-08, 10:33
hi wayne my hubby was beaten by parent bad but he is so much more postive and layed back about life, i was not beaten just not shown love and never felt part of my family and its me that suffering and so angry, we are all different. but after the detox make sure you get necessary counselling because if u are very honest with them they will really help and have u thought about exercise cos i brisk walk every day with my ipod and gets rid of biult up tension and anger and its made me alot more positive, motivated, loseweight and alot happier. at first u will be tired but giv it month or so and u will have loads of energy. just a thought for after the detox and stuff. it also gives me an adrenilin buzz too, any form of exercise is a great healer for alsorts.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 10:34
Yes Kaz, spot on,
you read all the time about Kids that have been killed and the social services knew there were problems, it makes me so angry.
Believe me, I am not voilent and I think I said before, its me that has to calm my wife down and my step kids!! LOL


03-06-08, 10:39

I don't think for one minute that you are violent :)

I just feel so much for anyone who has had an abusive childhood etc. I have absolutely no faith whatsoever in either Social Services or the whole Legal Services in general, they let me down so very very much...maybe if they hadn't of...I wouldn't be the way I am


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 10:40
hi wayne my hubby was beaten by parent bad but he is so much more postive and layed back about life, i was not beaten just not shown love and never felt part of my family and its me that suffering and so angry, we are all different. but after the detox make sure you get necessary counselling because if u are very honest with them they will really help and have u thought about exercise cos i brisk walk every day with my ipod and gets rid of biult up tension and anger and its made me alot more positive, motivated, loseweight and alot happier. at first u will be tired but giv it month or so and u will have loads of energy. just a thought for after the detx and stuff. it also gives be an buzz too, any form of exercise is a great healer for alsorts.

Hi Donna,
Wifey and I have been talking about after detox going out cycling together, at the moment I have not got much energy.

We are all different Donna, bad Childhoods can F**K you are badly in the head, some don't get affected.

At the moment, when I feel a bit angry I bash the drum set for a few minutes, it does help me believe it or not.
Also step son of 16 has a punch bag in his room, I always recommend if angry hit a sodding punch bag and not a human being! LOL


03-06-08, 10:58
Oh Wayne I can really feel for you. I was not physically abused as a child but was one of those who had an emotionally isolated childhood as I was shown no affection – it took me a long time learn (through a couple of terrible relationships) that I could not replace the love I missed out on through these sort of relationships.

It also took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that you cannot undo the past, and getting angry does not make the past better, but rather holds you up going forward. It is a difficult thing to learn to let go and I hope you get some counselling or similar.

With regards social services – times have changed, society has changed – I think things are better but social workers are often damned if they do and damned if they don’t!

03-06-08, 11:01
Hi Wayne!

First I would like to say how fantastic the news is that you have decided to take that step and go into detox. From the bottom of my toes, and I mean this really sincerely.. WELL DONE YOU AND THE BEST OF LUCK!!! I know its hard and i know hard doesnt even describe it really, but as a support worker in a rehabilitation unit for people with alcohol related brain injuries, I believe you should acknowledge a pride in making that step forward for yourself.

I am also sorry that your parents choose not to respond and acknowledge this. Did they know? Could it have been a bit of a shock? I know how important family can be and particularly to have their support in difficult times. But it does sound as if you have fantastic support from your wife.

Good Luck Wayne x

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 11:05
Hi Allye,
I agree.

I am just so worn out and spent, waited 10 weeks (which in fact is quite good for the NHS) for this detox, I am not scared of being in Hospital, I am more scared of being appart from my gorgious Wife. This is going to be so hard for both of us.

11th June to most people will be here and gone, to me its a life time, I just want to get this sorted and back home a new Man!


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 11:09
Hi Wayne!

First I would like to say how fantastic the news is that you have decided to take that step and go into detox. From the bottom of my toes, and I mean this really sincerely.. WELL DONE YOU AND THE BEST OF LUCK!!! I know its hard and i know hard doesnt even describe it really, but as a support worker in a rehabilitation unit for people with alcohol related brain injuries, I believe you should acknowledge a pride in making that step forward for yourself.

I am also sorry that your parents choose not to respond and acknowledge this. Did they know? Could it have been a bit of a shock? I know how important family can be and particularly to have their support in difficult times. But it does sound as if you have fantastic support from your wife.

Good Luck Wayne x

Thanks Pooh for your kind words,
I dont know if it was a shock or not, maybe it was, I am just so glad I have my Wife to support me and visit me in Hospital.

I was talking to my Wife about this and when I am better I want to help others that bare suffering from alcolism, I really do, I will probably do a course on it.

Its shite and I have hit rock bottom with it.


03-06-08, 11:26
hi wayne cycling will be really good for u once u got detox out the way and are feeling better, thats great though to do something together. yes everyone reacts differently and like u say if u hit rock bottom u can only go up now and im sure with your determination you will show all those idiots who have hurt you that u dont care anymore and that u are happy, you show great strength in your posts, please let me know how u get on once u through this hugs xxxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 11:31
Thanks Donna,
If I don't have internet access in Hospital I will ask my Wife to post on my behalf on my progress.
Next Week is a massive milestone in my Life, yes I am determined and I will come out of this with my head held high!


03-06-08, 11:35
yes u will i luv yr positive attitude and u r lucky also to have a lovely wife to support u too. thats the day after my hubbys birthday so i will be thinking of u hugs xxxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
03-06-08, 13:14
yes u will i luv yr positive attitude and u r lucky also to have a lovely wife to support u too. thats the day after my hubbys birthday so i will be thinking of u hugs xxxx

Thanks Donna,
Yes you have to be positive dont ya?

Not only is my health at stake, my marriage too.

I will get through this, I bloody know I will, I have to.

Take care,


03-06-08, 17:30
All the best keep up the determined attitude - and I look forward to updates on your progress!

05-06-08, 20:59

I do not know why your parents have not responded. If you do not like to speak on the telephone is there anyway your wife could call them? Perhaps their feelings might have been hurt because such news was e-mailed to them instead of a phone call. I'm not judging just trying to think of reasons. I also grieve for your childhood and the loss of your innocence. Children should have happy carefree lives.

I do applaud you for taking the bull by the horns and taking control of your life once more. I know you can do this. Do it for yourself though not for anyone else. I know you want to do it for your wife, family etc. too. Take it one step at a time. Try and focus on the positives and not the negatives. When you feel like you can't go on just keep thinking that you can do it for five more minutes and then another five... and then you will be surprised how fast the time has gone by. June 11th is the day one of my sons was born and I hope it is the day of a rebirth of you. Please know you will be in my thoughts and prayers as well as your wife and children.

Many hugs,


eternally optimistic
05-06-08, 22:04
Hi Wayne

I want to wish you well with the detox.

Be glad that you have a supportive partner and that you can look foward to spending quality time with her when you have finished.



Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-06-08, 07:34
Thanks Jackie & Laura for your kind words,
Katie did e-mail my parents about the lack of support from them, within minutes my Dad e-mailed back, and I spoke to my Mum on the phone later on that Day, think it was Wednesday.

I think your right about no responce as I didn't phone, but then again some people are e-mail phobic! LOL

Not long now, 5 days or so now.

Shame my Parents are so far away to visit me there, as my Wife says, I will be very lonely in there, she will visit every evening.
I am in Northants, Mum is in Devon, Dad is in Surrey! bit of a distance!


Granny Primark
06-06-08, 08:45
Hi Wayne,
Only just caught up with your post.
I really want to wish you all the best with your detox.
I think you are really brave and courageous to do this, whether it is with or without the support of your parents.
It seems to me youve got a wonderul wife.
I know if I was your mum Id be very proud of you.

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-06-08, 08:56
THanks Lynn,
Before I moved here with Katie and when she was going through her divorce, she got no support from her Mum at all.
As we both say, we got each other, we don't need them.

My x Wife who is a bitch and stops me from seeing my 2 Boys (14 & 11) can't live her life without her Mum. Whenever she has any problems or anything, she has to be guided from by her Mum, perfetic cow.

This is the thing, the fact that I have not seen my Boys for so long is one of the ingredients in the mixing bowl of my drink problem.


06-06-08, 09:58
hiya wayne and goodmorning mayb after the detox and u feel better u can work on yr boys and a relationship cos if you are dry and not drinknig and making yr life better she cant complain hun. also i never ever rely on my parents and nor does my hubby i couldnt stand it if they interfered every day like some do, like u say me and hubby stick together hugs xxxx

milly jones
06-06-08, 11:03
hi wayne

firstly well done with tackling your alcoholism. have u tried cais to gain support, i presume they are in your area?

i had what i thought was a normal childhood. it was not til my breakdown that i realised the effect my dads anx and agora had had on me emotionally.
i amd begining to realise thru counselling that accepting the past and trying ti build a future is the only way forward.

it looks like ur on your way hun, but take little steps and try not to tackle everything at once.

get thru the detox and then think about other probs.

i have no contact with my partners parents cos they were the pull urself together brigade. u need supportive ppl around u to move on.

u are so lucky to have katie to support u hun. if she ever needs a chat here on nmp wed love to meet her too.

im really glad that u use nmp to vent ur anger on hun

were all here to listen, even if theres no answers, just love

milly xxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-06-08, 11:20
Thanks Milly,
I will ask Katie to post on this thread, it will probably help her too, she is obviosly suffering too.
Funny you say that about "pull yourself together" quote.
Her x husband is like that, he is a captian in the army but is the biggest W**KER out there, he is so cocky and up his own AR*E.

If you want to know how Katie and I met, I was an ebay seller and Katie still is, I created a forum for ebay powersellers, We just connected, I was with a partner for 8 Years (not married to her) and Katie was still married. We got chatting, we both was not really looking for another partner if that makes sence.
We fell in love with each other before we even met, when we did meet for the first time it was like WOW!!

The grounds for divorce for Katie could of filled 10 A4 sheets! LOL#
he was an ******* to her and only showed affection when he was after something (you know what I mean!)

But I never slag him off in front of the Kids, but some of the things he called me in the past was bad!
I have never met him (and dont intend on doing so) but what Katie has said about him I am totaly miffed by how she stayed with him for 18 Years!
She gave up an acting career for that git, she was in a TV series Years ago.

And he just used her as a door mat!

LOL I think Today is a rant Day, but this forum is great to get things off your chest!


milly jones
06-06-08, 11:28
hey mate u sound so much more chilled hun

glad nmp helps

nmp is so wonderful, wish the world could know how much it helps

look forward to meeting katie


06-06-08, 12:01
hi wayne some people you cant change and wont change and probably dont actually think they do anything wrong thats the worst part haha. never mind what u are doing is great you are sorting your problems for u and for your lovely wife. im sure you are gonna get times where u think i cant do this but just get through one day at atime and when u have a bad day think of katie and everyone here behind you and that will pull you through. you will have so much to look forward to after you feel better and the cycling etc. i think its great partners get involved on here and id love to say hi to katie and she sounds a lovely lovely lady hugs xxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-06-08, 12:56
hey mate u sound so much more chilled hun

glad nmp helps

nmp is so wonderful, wish the world could know how much it helps

look forward to meeting katie


Sound more chilled? LOL, I thought I was having a tantrum then!
This site is great and I saw Katie Lunchtime and she will post something.


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-06-08, 13:01
hi wayne some people you cant change and wont change and probably dont actually think they do anything wrong thats the worst part haha. never mind what u are doing is great you are sorting your problems for u and for your lovely wife. im sure you are gonna get times where u think i cant do this but just get through one day at atime and when u have a bad day think of katie and everyone here behind you and that will pull you through. you will have so much to look forward to after you feel better and the cycling etc. i think its great partners get involved on here and id love to say hi to katie and she sounds a lovely lovely lady hugs xxx

Hi Donna,
Yes will post on here later,
She will probably call me a useless t**t! LOL (only joking)

Yes, we all have our good Days and bad Days, just that mine in relation to drinking is bad every Day, not long to go now.


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milly jones
06-06-08, 13:01
sorry mate didnt mean to offend u

only trying to help

hugs millx

06-06-08, 13:01
haha wayne you were having a good old rant i thought, always makes u feel better after hehe

06-06-08, 13:03
hehe well u can both rant, yes wont be long hun, u will feel better x

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-06-08, 13:27
sorry mate didnt mean to offend u

only trying to help

hugs millx

No, you didn't offend me at all! sometimes I have a warped sence of humour!
I know you are trying to help, and I really appreciate it. :)

06-06-08, 14:57
Hi everyone

I would just like to thank all of you who have helped to keep Wayne going over the last few days. I did find this forum first and told Wayne he should join because I think that it makes things easier to cope with knowing that actually, there are plenty of other people out there with the same type of problems and anxieties. I am at work all day when I wish I could be at home looking after my Waynie, but unfortunately at the moment that is not possible.

Thank you so much for your encouragement and kind words. What a lovely bunch of people you all are. Wayne is only the way he is because he is a gorgeous, caring sensitive human being, maybe actually it is everyone else in the world who are not normal! I am hoping that this CBT will help him to put his past behind him and move forward with me to the happy ever after that he deserves. I know that I can lose it from time to time, but only through sheer frustration of not being able to help him myself and of course I am also stressed out trying to work full time, with several other jobs on the side ebay, ann summers, singing trying to bring in the money so that we can survive. We almost lost the house a couple of months ago so this hasn't been an easy journey. The moment we saw Wayne's pschyiatrist I knew that we had finally found someone who understaood what was going on and would help us.

OMG I could write a book about this. Best get off here or I will get the sack!!!

Take care all and I hope that eventually life brings us all a bit of peace and happiness instead of all this stress!

06-06-08, 16:00
hi katie and i just want to say from what wayne has told us all you are lovely and although wayne is suffering its just as hard for you trying to hold it all together. it sounds like wayne really wants to sort his alchohol probs out and is really determined and i think once he done that then both of you can do all the things u perhaps cant do at the moment and really have some fun. i would like to wish u both all the best and you both sound a lovely couple who can get through all the crap and look forward. put the past behind where it belongs and just focus on u 2. i have kinda done the same realising my hubby and kids are most importnant to me and sod the rest of them, we been together 16 yrs and he knows me best. love to u both and please keep us posted, i will b thinking of u both next week hugs xxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-06-08, 16:11
I think I have said before, Katie has a great skill of leaving the past and looking forward, ok she gets upset from time to time regarding her Childhood, but I dont have that skill, I need to learn to look forward and not backwards.

I need shitloads of therapy! LOL

I wish all a great Weekend and don't drink too much! LOL


06-06-08, 16:42
same applies to u hehe have a good one both of u and after therapy u will forget the past and just look forward xx

milly jones
06-06-08, 17:49
nice to meet u too katie

u two have a good thing going on

we will be thinking of u over the next few weeks if either of u need to rant, support or just a mate

all my love millyxxx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-06-08, 22:05
getting edgy again, Katie is in Kims bedroom, I can't rest without her, had another row.
I am so f**king p****d off now, I need this detox NOW!!!!

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06-06-08, 22:27
hey wayne just just give it time for things to calm down and then it will be ok if u need to talk im here, stay strong wayne

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-06-08, 23:09
I just get a little edgy every now and then, Katie hates me at the moment.
Dont blame her I am a Tosspot. Usless piece of dog pooh.

Oh well

06-06-08, 23:18
hi wayne we all have arguements hun, it will be fine in morning and keep thinking about next week and stay focused, i know its hard but try to stay calm and it will be fine xx :hugs:

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-06-08, 23:23
Hi Donna,
Its not often we row, she is tired and I am staying awake as we are picking Matty up at 12.15 from School from his French trip, Katie gets very ratty when tired LOL.
Obviosly I am not driving, but I get on best with Matty (14) so I want to go with her to get him.

06-06-08, 23:33
thats nice, and yes being tired makes u feel dreadful it does me too. you too will be fine by that time, have a hug and just look forward to yr future. xx

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
06-06-08, 23:40
I dont know how I am going to cope without her in Hospital, when she went in Kims room, I felt so alone in here, I had to beg her to come in here with m e.

She is asleep now but will have to wake up shortly to get Matty.

06-06-08, 23:45
u have to be strong wayne and you will be and she will support u but u have to do this detox for u and u know she will be there waiting for you. the time apart is a positive thing because it will give u both time to do your thing and after u ave finished yr detox yr life begins again and, dont look back only forward. i know u feel u wont cope but u will and you are gonna do this wayne, no more drink and a healthier better quality of life for u and yr lovely wife and family

07-06-08, 00:07

Good luck for the detox:) A big step and I hope you keep that determination to strive forward with the help and support of your lovely wife!!

There comes a point in life when the past has to be dealt with or let go and I hope that this becomes possible for you!! I can understand your frustration although I've never experianced anything like that - but a really old cliche is you cannot change the past but you can look forward and improve the future!! You are making steps to do this and that is the thing to concentrate on!!:shades:

We are all only human and maybe your parents find it difficult at times to support you - maybe through guilt that they did not do that when you were a child - i dont know but you main aim is to keep doing what your doing and aim to make a great life for yourself and your wife x

I wish you luck - keep us updated!

Denise x

07-06-08, 03:15

I know you are going through a difficult time right now and I do hope that things with Katie have mended by the time you wake up. I must ask though that you watch what you write as you are working our NMP filter system overtime! I do hope things are better for you both in the morning.


07-06-08, 09:33
Hi Wayne

I think it is great that you are doing something about your drink problem. Believe me I know ALOT about this subject from personal experience. I know you say you blame your parents and your very sad upbringing for your alcoholism. At the risk of sounding harsh, please try not to do this. In looking for reasons for your alcoholism you are justifying why you are drinking. With any addiction it is human nature to look for something to blame.

I am not saying that your childhood has not had a huge and detrimental impact on your life, all I am saying is don't make that the reason for your alcohol abuse. Not finding blame and excuses etc is key in recovering from addiction.

I know you probably want to tell me to F off, and if you do that's fine I've got broad shoulders, but I assure you that when you have won your battle, which you will, you will know what I am trying to say here.

Lots of people have terrible upbringings and I agree with the inadequacies of social services but ultimately we are responsibe for what we do with are own lives when we are adults. Detox and counselling will help you to let go of the past and look to the future, one free from alcohol. It is not going to be an easy ride, but it's down to you. You can only be guided in the right direction the hard work must be done by you, and you only.

Do not let your past dictate your future and be that person who had such a sad life etc etc, be the person who fought back from adversity and won. You will not believe how different you will feel, without the haze of alcohol contributing to your anxiety ( because it does massively).

Take care and good luck. You have the key to your own recovery and with help and support(though not sympathy), you will do it!!

milly jones
07-06-08, 10:54
morning wayne and katie,

its a lovely day here and im going out for a walk,

hope u have the opportunity for some family time together today too

thinking of u both


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
07-06-08, 13:35
Hi Andrea and Milly,
No Andrea, I wont tell anyone to F off, thats not me (unless I have good reason too!)
Today is better, I am more positive Today and Katie & I make up pretty quickly.
And I am sorry for making the swear filter go crazy! LOL


07-06-08, 14:14
afternoon wayne and im pleased u and katie made up quick, its always more fun lol xx

07-06-08, 14:51
Hi Wayne,

Also glad you two are doing so well and as Scarlett said from Gone With The Wind, "After All Tomorrow Is Another Day" :yesyes:


Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
07-06-08, 15:14
afternoon wayne and im pleased u and katie made up quick, its always more fun lol xx

LOL Donna, you aint being rude are you?:D

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
07-06-08, 15:16
Hi Wayne,

Also glad you two are doing so well and as Scarlett said from Gone With The Wind, "After All Tomorrow Is Another Day" :yesyes:


Hi Laura,

I am not aware of that quote, must admit, never seen gone with the wind!


07-06-08, 15:47
me rude never :D

Dr Kong, AKA Wayne
07-06-08, 16:01
LOL Donna,

Matty back from School trip last night, well due back at the School 12.15 am, didnt arrive 'till 1.15am!!

Just been talking to him about the Earth and Moon etc, he so stimulates my brain, he is teaching me stuff and is only 14, been talking for about half an Hour, I am so close to him!

07-06-08, 16:04
aww thats lovely one of mine is into all that my eldest whos 11 and he always talking about it. thats great you are close to him. my 3 have close relationship with us both which is nice, not sure im looking forward to teenage years though lol.at moment they 11, 9 and 4.

milly jones
07-06-08, 21:18
well i had a lovely day thanks to ur good wishes for the weekend

i went out to betwys-y-coed and the dogs swam in the river. then we had afternoon tea in a lovely cafe by the river.

hope u had as good a day wayne and katie. really glad u made up this morning.

my son is an inspiration to me too



20-07-08, 01:36
I'm glad you have your wife for support.
My Father is dead and my monther has 0 time for me, when i was told i had agraphobia my boyfriend left me, so i'm alone. Its hard but you get use to it.
Parents let you down, mine just more then others.lol

20-07-08, 10:01
hi brokenx mine have let me down to hun, sometimes we just have to accept that and make a happy life for ourselves. i am going through a process now of feeling so angry that i know i wont be able to get over it unless i tell them exactly how they have made me feel, im sure they think i am off and being funny with them, but they dont know the reason why. they have never listened or been intereseted in me and this has gone on for years. i ams sorry brokenx about your dad and about how your mother is with u but wots important hun is making a happy life for u and finding a few people we can trust in our life who care ubout us. i know u feel alone but u will get better hugs xxxxxxxx

20-07-08, 10:18

i felt sick to the stomach when i read what your step father had done to you.
wayne, i wish you well with detox and i think you are very brave to face that you need help.
nobody deserves the life you have had and i totally agree that social services are total crap....

good luck mate


20-07-08, 10:53
my hubbys mum used to beat him too, kick him down stairs, punch him and jumped up and down on his back etc. we not seen her for 9 years, she never apoligised so wayne i know wot a big battle u been fighting and i know u can do it, deal with your emotional pain through counselling and lots of talking cos once u can deal with that u will be able to deal with the drink so much easier. you know we all care about you here xxx

20-07-08, 12:56
good luck for wednesday wayne i know how you mean on parent s i have got through life without them and all i have is because of me and my hubby and thats better i can choose my family and friends not as they say cant choose family but you can choose your friends well you can all you need is the love and support of someone i have nt spoken to my parent s or the in laws for over 6 months and what a change in my life no moaning getting lectured all the time and yes i am 35 not 12 like they obviously think i am you can get through this with your wifes support and all you friends on here so GOOD LUCK and a big big :bighug1: just for you from tracy

20-07-08, 12:57
good luck for wednesday wayne i know how you mean on parent s i have got through life without them and all i have is because of me and my hubby and thats better i can choose my family and friends not as they say cant choose family but you can choose your friends well you can all you need is the love and support of someone i have nt spoken to my parent s or the in laws for over 6 months and what a change in my life no moaning getting lectured all the time and yes i am 35 not 12 like they obviously think i am you can get through this with your wifes support and all you friends on here so GOOD LUCK and a big big :bighug1: just for you from tracy