View Full Version : Jobcentre plus interviw

13-04-05, 10:35

Really realley nervous today and panicy.

I am on incapacity benifit as the doc has signed me off work o si have to have an intterview at jobcentre to make sure im getting all the financial help im entitled to but im really really dreading it somuch that im in tears and didnt sleep well last nite.

I want it over with but part of me wants to rearrange it . I just dont know what to do. My mum is coming with me.

Tatty B xx

13-04-05, 10:48
hi tatty

my adice would be to go and get it over with once you have got that over with you will know better where u stand financially so that will be one less worry and u have your mum for support if you dont go today you will feel worse,

hope u make it ok honey

big big tight hugg u can do it xxx

kairen x

13-04-05, 10:55
Thank you Kairen....

I know deep down I should try to go today, im just so scared at the thought that I dont know the building im going to and that i will be focusing so hard on not passing out that I wont be able to take anything in they say.

My dads gonna wait outside the building in the car for me....I guess I will do it and if i feel ill i'll just leave.........

Tatty B xx

13-04-05, 11:12
Tatty you will be fine im sure, i went for a job interview on monday, and im not kidding i thought i was going to be sick before i went as i had never been there before, it had been at least 12 years since i had an interview, i just kept thinking they are going tospeak to me and im going to burst into tears, then i thought you know these aree people just like me no better, so why should i be worrying, antway i got there and had no idead where it was it was up all these stairs with loads of diff offices aahhh, then i found it and there was a phone i had to ring this ext, number honstly i was ***** yes very nervous, but i just kept thinking im only talking to some one what is there to be affraid off, any ay 2 cut a long stroy i have 2 go back next week for 2nd interview after they have checked my references but she thought i had the job,,,,,

i hop it goes ok pet honestly i know what its like but at least u have yr mum with u and yr dad for a quick getaway let me know how u get on

kairen x

13-04-05, 11:16
Thanks hun...

Just wish I hadnt got myself in a state about it! My eyes are all puffy and stingy!! Lol

Never mind....I will do it and if I have to leave Thats ok it doesnt mean ive failed...I would be failing myself more if i juts cancled it til another day!

Only 10 mins now til mum and dad come and get me and my interviews at 12...aregh!!

Tatty B xx

13-04-05, 11:19
good luck, you will be fine im sure, catch u later u will be so relieved when its over xxxx

kairen x

13-04-05, 12:30
Hi Tatty
Just read your post. Hope everything went ok at the jobcentre. Let us know how you got on.
Take care

13-04-05, 12:44
Good luck Tatty!! I hope it goes well..:D

13-04-05, 14:54
Hi Tatty

Hope it went well.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

13-04-05, 20:05
Hi guys

Thanks for your words of encouragement earlier...

Mum and dad picked me up but when we got outside the building it was really busy as quite a walk and i just couldnt bring myself to do it [V]

My mum went in an explained how I was and they were completly fine and understanding, they've prob come across this before , so they've said theres no pressure and they leave it 2-3 moths, but if im still not ready then thats fine.

I was really down about it afterwards but i really worked myself up about it and i dont realyl think i was ready to do this just yet...but I cant blame myself for how I am feeling so ive not let it get to me for the rest of today....im just releved they were so understanding!

Tatty B xx

13-04-05, 20:14
hi tatty well at least you tried, :D I think people are a lot more understanding now about things like this, than they used to be, never mind put it to the back of your mind until next time, maybe next time you will have it in your head about how nice they were and the building wont seem so strange and u will be ok you need to really chill out tonight and relax cos you will be drained after your day

take care honey xxx

kairen x

13-04-05, 20:18
hi tatty,

Don't beat yourself up about not going. You weren't ready yet but you will be one day soon. I'm glad that they were very understanding about it - that's useful! It's also good that they haven't put you under any pressure to go soon so you can just take things slowly and work yourself up to it..

Sarah :D

13-04-05, 20:23
Thanks Sarah

I was a bit gutted as this past week ive been able to do more than i have been able to in a long while ... but I suppose I need to take it slowly as its not all gonna be able to happen at once.

Went out for a drink for the first time in months with 3 close mates last nite, just to a local pub and sat outside where i was more comfortable ( think irelaxed after about an hour!) but at least I did it and for a few hours, so i just make myself look back on the great week or so ive had...and today was just a minor blip, which i will be able to conquour one day!!:D

Tatty B xx

13-04-05, 20:55
Hi Tatty
At least you realised that today was a "blip" and next time you'll do even better.
Great news to hear that you went out for a drink that in itself is an achievement :D.
Take care

13-04-05, 20:59
Hi Tatty

You did well just going along there 2day and well done for last nite aswell!X

13-04-05, 21:18
onwards and upwards hun well done xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Love Sarah-Jane xxxx

13-04-05, 21:38

You have had some really good times and today wasnt one of them. That doesnt mean you have failed it meant you judged how you felt and didnt want to push yourself too much to the extent where it would make you worse.

You know you will be able to do it one day and you take your time on that.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

14-04-05, 12:38
Hi Tatty,

Don't worry hun you tried and thats the main thing. It just takes small steps that all. Well done for going out with your friends though thats brill news!

Take care,


14-04-05, 12:45
Thanks Pips :D

Im really glad I managed to go out with my mates, gonna plan to do it once a week if poss, going to the same pub so I gradually get more and more confortable being there.

Tatty B xx

14-04-05, 16:25
hi tatty

Glad you got out with your mates just to unwind a bit bet it felt good , well that gives you something to look forward to next week as well, if you werent so far away i'd join you LOL
well done hun xxx

kairen x

15-04-05, 02:20
Hi Tatty

Great way to look at it and before you know it you wont even questions it. You are doing really well and wont give in and that is the way forward.

Well done you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

16-04-05, 12:20
Hi Tatty,

Good thinking about going to the same pub! You will be a local before you know it! LOL

Take care,

Love PIP'S X

16-04-05, 18:51
Hi Pips

Yeah I know....I better watch how many times i go or I mite get a bit of a reputaion! although I havent had any alcohole while im on my tablets [V]

Hope your ok and having a good weekend.

Am planning to try and tackel the pub again tuesday evening [^]

Tatty B xx