View Full Version : Disability Living Allowance, help?

03-06-08, 12:13
Up until recently i had no idea that that someome with GAD/Panic disorder/agraphobia could claim disability liiving allowance. I used to be self employed but for the last 5 months havent been able to work due to my condition, therefore we are struggling for money alot more than before :blush: . So i have started filling in a Disablity Living Allowance form to see if i am entitled to any benefits that might help us.
Does anyone else claim this? Is it even worth my while filling in the form? Because i still cant believe i will get anything??? :shrug:
Is it more hastle to claim than its worth?
Just wondered if anyone had any insight into the process or experience of it?
Thanks Charlie

03-06-08, 12:27
Hi Popsy,

I was told by my GP that I might be entitled to this as I am agoraphobic.

I filled in the forms online, and about 2 weeks later received a letter saying that I should hear from them again soon. A week later I received a letter saying that I had been awarded the lower rate which is £17 something, sorry can't remember the odd pence. I was awarded this as I am not able to go out on my own and need someone with me.

So yes, I would say, fill it in, you have nothing to lose. Also it does not affect any other income you may have etc i.e. child tax benefit and so on.


03-06-08, 13:33
I did post a question regarding this last week titled Incapacity Benefit. I got some very useful responses from other members. I believe it's in this forum somewhere. Forgive me for not cutting and pasting.


03-06-08, 13:54
i get both dla and incapacity its def worth trying to get the both, and if you are a certain age on incapacity you get an extra 20 pound a week i think its over 35

03-06-08, 14:17
Yes definatley worth applying!!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

03-06-08, 14:19
I didnt even know about incapacity benefit, every little would help at the mo, with not working and all, thank you for your replies xxxx

03-06-08, 15:11
Sorry for hijacking your thread popsy...but do you have to have worked to become entitled for incapacity benenfit?


03-06-08, 15:19
Thats okay Kaz! LOL
Ive just found this in a previous thread http://www.entitledto.co.uk/
I think Incapacity Benefit does depend on how many NI contributions you've made in the past and you need a doctors note signing you off sick apparently, and also (although im not 100%) on what your partner earns but i could be wrong on that one.
I know with Disability Allowance it doesnt matter about any of the above factors.
C xxx

03-06-08, 15:23
im unsure about working and claiming i have freinds that get incapcity benefit and have never worked but i think her husband has worked and thats how she got it . also can i get either dla or incapcity benefit i have been ill for years but never have claimend

03-06-08, 17:29
I would like to suggest that when filling in the forms you put down your worst day! When I worked in mental health I had my clients put down their orst day, even if they could sometimes get out there where many days when they could not. Its not lying, its answering the questions as if you where going through the worst time....so go for it

03-06-08, 21:09
i applied for it a got knocked back even though i sufer and cant leave the house they wrote to me and told me i could without even looking at any edvidance,

lucky for me i have a support worker who has appealed it only sent it away last week but put the forum in 6 months ago.

she has sent away my doctors notes and fought for my case so hopedfully i will get it.

04-06-08, 07:22
DLA is not means tested and I agree it is worth you applying. The Lower rate for mobility is £17.75 per week and as someone has said, they were awarded it for needing someone with them when they go out. Here are some sites you might find helpful:


"Nomore panic" administrator recently posted this

dla_adult_mental.pdf (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=719&d=1212075490)

09-06-08, 00:12
i just phoned up for the claim form the other day, i recently claimed for incapacity benefit and got a letter saying i had enough points for it so thought id give DLA a shot see if i get that too.

09-06-08, 10:59
Disability Living allowance is usually for mobility.The lower rate is not dependent on having enough NHI payments. If you are prone to panic and can show that you are a danger to yourself ie: crossing a road etc: you will be entitled to it. A doctor needs to confirm this, so ensure you tell your GP before applying. Also a note from a 'carer' who will vouch that they have to go out with you, will help.

12-06-08, 09:47
I think you are right Purplehaze, i think if you put the word 'somtimes' onto the form i guess it probably is put into the 'unlikely' pile! Thats very good advise purple!

12-06-08, 10:22

I work in this field helping HIV+ people complete DLA's and incapcity. DLA is related to your disability and not linked to contributions, incapcity is linked to NI contributions. While you can fill in the form yourself, never be afriad to get help if you need it. It's a long form and help from someone who fills then out on a regular basis can make the process less stressful.
One word of warning is that they are tightening up on DLA and currently a lot of our service users are being reveiwed, hence getting advice from professionals. Also should your situation change for good or bad you need to inform them asap - they are getting good at catching up with people who are well and still claiming.

27-06-08, 20:41
I've just applied for this as I'm now well enough to understand what the 48 page form actually means, and filled it all in and sent it away. I was given the forms by the DLA person at the Job Centre in Dec last year. As I didn't claim within 6 weeks, they said they probably won't backdate it.

Anyone successfully claimed back dated DLA ? Also, they told me it takes 8 - 12 weeks to process. A lot can change in that time. Anyone successfully claimed and it taken less to process ?

Thanks for the note about telling my doc. I've got an appointment next week and will let him know they'll be in touch.
